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Daan POV
I slowly opened my eyes, I had a huge headache from last night. I looked around the room and suddenly I realized it wasn't mine. When I looked beside me I saw this guy laying next to me, a total stranger. -Omfg, Daan what the hell have you done?! A one-night stand?! For real?! Omg I'm the biggest idiot alive-

I went out of bed quietly, hoping that he wouldn't wake up. "Well, hello there gorgeous. Last night was fun." I sighed "Probably, if I only could remember it. Which I don't, so it probably wasn't that special." The guy looked offended. -Why do I always have one-night stands with the biggest jerks? And every single time, I regret it afterwards... OMG BEFF, WHAT THE HELL IS SHE SUPPOSED TO THINK OF ME-
I quickly changed into my clothes from last night and looked in the mirror, I'm one big mess. I didn't care, I just wanted to get home as quickly as possible. Maybe they were a bit drunk as well last night and they didn't even notice me leaving. I left the room without saying a word to the guy, I just heard him mutter "hot". When I got downstairs I grabbed my keys, which I had left next to my phone on the table. When I wanted to unlock my phone, I saw that I had a dozen of missed phonecalls from Leah, Jordan, Viv and Lisa. Great, they know.

When I got home, with a little help of google maps, I saw Lisa and Viv sitting on the couch.
V: "Gvd Daan, waar heb jij uitgehangen?!" (Where the hell were you at?!)
L: "Babe please, calm down."
D: "Where's Beff? I need to talk to her."
V: "She's in your room, absolutely devastated. But first you're going to tell me where you went!"
D: "I was pretty drunk last night, and eh- left with a guy."
L: "Who was he?"
D: "Ehh- I don't know"
V: "What the hell were you thinking, Beth fainted last night! And I am pretty sure that had something to do with you!"
D: "Omg, I'm such a horrible person."
V: "Damn right you are!"
L: "Viv, easy."
D: "I have to go and talk to Beff"

I went upstairs and opened the door, there was Beth laying in bed. She looked tired, sad and devastated.
D: "Hey"
B: "Hai"
D: "So about last night-"
B: "Please don't."
D: "I am so sorry, I was drunk and I had no clue what I was doing."
B: "You broke me Daniëlle"
-She called me by my full name, crap-
D: "I know it's not a good explanation but I was drunk, it wasn't my intention."
B: "That maybe worked when you were a teenager, but you're an adult now."
D: "I know"
B: "So start acting like one!"
D: "I a- am so sorry" I felt my eyes get wet
B: "How on earth could you hurt me like that, I could never."
D: "I-"
B: "You knew that I had feelings for you, no, that I loved you even. An and you still did that"
D: "Wait what? You loved me?"
B: "I s- still do"
D: "But that means we can sort this out!" I grabbed her hands, she pushed me away.
B: "No, I wish that I hated you. But what I hate more is the fact that I don't hate you. I could never. I need distance, space."
D: "I will leave than"
B: "No you won't, I will"
D: "No this is my fault, you shouldn't be the one paying for it."
B: "No, I shouldn't. But I am an adult and I actually act like one, unlike you."
She stepped out of bed and started to pack her things.
D: "Beff, please don't. I will do my best to make it up to you"
B: "Well, you should have considered that before you slept with the damn guy!"
D: "We weren't in a relationship!"
B: "Oh, it is my fault now?!"
D: "No, no, I'm so sorry. That's not what I meant."
B: "Well it certainly sounded like it"
D: "Beff, I am begging you. Don't go"
B: "I guess it's too late for that"
She went into the bathroom to change. I started crying -What have I done? How could I be that stupid. I ruin everything!-
B: "Please go away"

I walked down the stairs, where Lisa and Viv were still sitting. Lisa came towards me and gave me a hug;
D: "Lisa, I messed up so bad, I hate myself"
L: "Come sit with us on the couch"
I could tell Viv was still mad at me, but she didn't say anything about it. We heard Beth making a phone call and about ten minutes later we heard the doorbell rang. Lisa stood up and opened the door "Beth, Leah is here for you" I heard Beth coming of the stairs, I didn't look at her. I was just curled up in Viv her arms, I couldn't say anything. I was absolutely broken. Before she left, I heard Beth saying to Lisa; "Thank you for your hospitality, see you at practice." After that the door slammed and she was gone.

Viv was stroking my hair, I was just laying there for I don't know how long. Eventually Viv said: "Maybe you should take a shower and get some sleep, I'll tell Joe you can't make it to the training." I nodded and headed upstairs. I came into the room, all of Beth her stuff was gone. The room was so empty. I undressed myself from the dirty clothes and stepped into the shower. After a while I just sat down, felt the water running all over my body and I just cried. I cried till I couldn't cry anymore, I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. After that I laid down in my bed and fell asleep.

Thank you for reading the seventh chapter!♥️ This was really sad, I'm sorry. But I like some good drama🙂 If you have any tips or suggestions let me know🥰

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