saturday morning

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I wake up
on a Saturday morning
I look to my right and I see you,
sleeping so peacefully
the morning sun shining
on your adorable face
I slowly get up
and put on my fluffy slippers
I go to the kitchen
and start making us breakfast
and myself a pot of coffee.
breakfast is done,
chocolate chip pancakes,
because you deserve a treat.
I bring it to you,
I sit on the bed and wake you up
you're surprised and your smile makes my day
you give me a kiss, and I melt
while smiling and turning red.
then I get my coffee and breakfast
and I join you in bed
as every other Saturday morning,
we put a movie in
and just enjoy each other's company
on a chilly,
Saturday morning.

but this hasn't happened,
no not yet.
soon, very soon.
soon, I will see you my sweet angel.
until then I will keep dreaming
about the things we will do when
we can finally be with each other.

but it makes me sad when I dream about you
then I wake up
you are so far away.
soon, you won't be far.

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