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I'm patient when I need to be
but this thing
between you and me
has me so curious

I wanna wait
but I don't know how long it will take
so should I just ask now?
would it really matter?
I mean we both like each other
a lot
so I mean I don't know
would it be too fast?

I won't ask
but I want to
I really want to
because you're my everything
you're my world

I want to ask if you could be mine
like officially but
I don't know
I don't know
I'm scared
I'm scared you might want to wait,
which would make total sense
but like we don't know how long it's going to be
but that might make everything even more complicated
I just don't know
I have never done this before
and yeah I mean last night was whacky
and we still haven't really talked about it
but damn I just care about you so much.
I don't want this to be akward
ahhh I don't know.

I'm posting this after I say goodnight to you,
but I really am going to bed,
maybe you'll read it tonight or
maybe tomorrow
I don't know.
but please after you do
give me a sign for a dumb bitch
because this is making me really anxious
and I don't want to post this but
this is how I feel
so yea:)
and should I have added the three words after my text? I don't know ahhh

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