Chapter 3

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Street's pov:

She was taken into surgery about an hour ago. She was in critical condition, doc said she probably won't make it. "Why did it have to her? He couldn't it have been me?" I muttered to no one in particular. The whole team was sitting in the waiting room, as well as Deac and Hondo's family.

"Don't think like that Street. It was her for a reason, she took the risk knowing what the odds were. She saved someone's life today, even though it almost cost her her's. She will pull through this. What is it she always told you?" Chris said. I wiped at my eyes as the tears were coming again.

"I'm with you to the end of the line. But what if this is the end of the line? What if I never see her again? What if I lose her? I'll never get to pop the question. What if-" I rambled until the doctor came to see us.

"Ms. Flames is out of surgery. She lost about 3 pints of blood, and she may be paralyzed from the neck down because of the bullet, if she wakes up at all. The chances are about 90 to 10." She said.

"The 90% is what?" Luca asked for me.

"The likelihood that she'll pass." I cursed under my breath. "If she does wake up she may have amnesia, paralysis, PTSD, scars, depression, and breathing problems." My eyes widened.

"Does that mean she'll never be able to be in SWAT again?" I asked with my voice cracking and my hands shaking.

"Heavens no! She won't even be able to raise her arm without help. Much less shoot a gun." The doc said rolling her eyes.

"Being on SWAT had always been her dream. I remember the day we met for the first time, she was about three, making me about five. She was in McDonalds with her dad.

"She told her father that she wanted to be a hero. Her father said that she needed a cape. And she said, 'Nope. Just a badge like you." I wiped my eyes. "I walked over to her and asked why she needed a badge, and she bragged about how she was one day gonna be a SWAT officer after she became a Navy SEAL, and she did just that.

"After that day I never saw her until we were in probably the sixth grade." I laughed at the sad memories. "She came up to me and basically pounced on me, made me carry her to the McDonalds that we met at.

"After that we were inseparable, sharing a dorm in an orphanage there for a while. At first she was like the little sister I never had, but when we hit high school, things changed."

"You fell in love with her." Annie, Deac's wife, finished and I nodded. Suddenly a bloodcurdling scream was heard, a scream I knew all too well.

I ran to Ash's hospital room only to see her holding a gun at the doctors. "Where the hell am I?" She asked shaking.

"You're at a hospital. It's okay. You're okay." I said and she turned to face me. She set the gun down and pulled the IV out before running to me.

"I'm so sorry." She wailed, and I shushed her.

"It's okay. You're okay. I promise." I replied. The doctors walked out and the team came in, showering her with praise and hugs, but her eyes never left me. "Hey guys? Can you give us a minute please?" I asked and they walked out with Luca giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"What's wrong?" She asked sitting back on the bed.

"There's something I need to tell you." She nodded. "I love you Ash." Her eyes widened to the size of saucers. "I always have. Since the ninth grade.

"Today has made me realize just how much I love you, and how much I need you. It made me realize just how short life really is, and how much I want to spend all of mine with you, loving you, being with you. What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" I saw tears come down her face and she nodded with a smile on her face.

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