This made Finn and Jack look up, Jack panting still while Finn was looked at his Mom in disbelief.

"Mom." He groaned in embarrassment.

"What?" She laughed at him, waving her hand in the air. "I'm good!"

Finn rolled his eyes as a smile made his way onto his face. His Mom was silly and embarrassing, but that's what he loved about her. How she could do silly things and not be embarrassed by them, but also make people laugh by doing so.

That night the two Mothers ate at least three to four pieces of pizza before wandering off to their own hotel rooms.

Jack and Finn just ate until they felt sick. Just like they used to do two years ago.



Jack watched as his clock ticked. Putting it short and simple — he couldn't sleep.

No matter how much he twisted or turned in his bed, there was no sign of comfort. No sign that he was ever settling in a place he'd never been.

He sighed, turning on his side in his big double bed. Not like it would make a difference.

Jack watched as — he thought — Finn slept. Then Finn turned around himself, facing Jack, his eyes open.

It startled Jack a bit, but he easily settled at the sight of Finns eyes.

"You don't remember this place, do you?" Finn asked in a whisper.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked, feeling like an idiot as he said it.

"Remember when you made that live stream—"

"I've made a lot of live streams Finn." Jack rolled his eyes playfully, not sure if Finn could even see it.

"I know, but, the live stream where you were telling people to give us questions. And when people kept calling you cute or hot you'd instantly put the camera on Jaeden and ask them if they thought Jaeden was cute." Finn smiled, laughing to himself a bit.

•  (The live stream at the top)  •

"Oh yeah." Jack smiled. "That was funny."

And that's when sudden realization hit Jack like a ton of bricks.

He gasped. "Oh my god! This is the hotel! It's that hotel! Finn it's—"

"Yes Jack." Finn chuckled. "I know."

"Did you already know before?"

"No. I just remembered while I was laying here. The bed reminded me. It felt familiar, and the only thing different about it is now we only have two pillows on each bed and not four." Finn grinned, happiness taking over. "Back when we filmed IT chapter one."

"Yeah." Jack sighed with a smile, rolling onto his back. "It was so much fun, I wish we could go back to twenty-seventeen."

Finns grin dropped as he rolled over onto his own back, frowning as he looked at the black ceiling.



Both boys looked at the ceiling now, getting stuck in their own thoughts. Memories of twenty-seventeen started flooding their minds, making both of them start to shake and their bottom lips hang out as tears made their way to their eyes.

"We ruined it, Finn." Jack whispered shakily, you could tell he was on the verge of crying. "We messed it up. Why did we all stop talking? Messaging in the group chat, going onto each other's live streams."

Finn just stayed silent. If he was supposed to give an answer, he didn't know what that answer was. He was stuck too.

"I just wish it could all be the same. I know everyone's changed. Physiologically and physically. And I know things are going to be awkward. We're not kids anymore. We can't do the things we used to do with each other. No one will ever look at it as how it used to be..." He paused for a moment. "Even me."

Finn sat up. It took all his thoughts and courage to make a decision about what he was about to do. He got up and out of bed, and made his way to Jacks bed. He perched himself on the edge — as to not squish Jack — and Jack sat up as well.

"C'mon man, we can't cry over this." Finn said as he wiped his own eyes. "It won't be the same. But we can try make it be. We can do the things we did as kids, even if people think it's childish, who cares? We should all have fun. Bond with each other while we still can."

Jack nodded, laughing slightly as he used his arm to wipe his eyes. "Yeah."

Jack rolled over to the other end of the bed, letting Finn lay on the end he was already sat on.

"This is what we used to do, too." Jack smiled. "Whenever we got bored or we couldn't sleep, we'd share a bed. In the morning we would wake up in weird positions — like lots of times, your feet would be on the wall and I'd be laid across your stomach." Jack laughed.

"Yeah." Finn laughed a long. "I still do that actually!" He started wheezing with laughter.

"Really!?" Jack laughed hysterically. "I still wake up upside down!"

Both boys were giggling and laughing — just as they used to — and they didn't even notice that this was making them both fall asleep slowly, the sleep sneaking up on them like a snake.

Soon enough, both of them had fallen asleep.

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