Chapter 39 - Why Do You Hate Me So Much

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Emily's P.O.V -

It had been a few days since josh attacked me and he hasn't been back since . His words still ring though my ears but I could never tell anyone .

"You can't get away from me forever"

I sat listening to the sound of heart monitors and fans . I'm sat alone at the side of Aisha's hospital bed daydreaming . The boys had to go to the studio to meet joe and dean again but the doctor said Aisha is making good progress so we were able to persuade brad to go and I'd stay here

I looked at my phone and looked at my twitter . I was waiting for Laura to drop me off back home as she said she would pick me up . I looked at the clock 2:50 she had ten minutes to come and collect me before visiting time was over . Aisha was asleep , the doctors had taken her out of the induced coma as her condition was getting significantly better and she was stable enough to come out of it

I went back to my phone and looked through twitter . I had so many new followers now that we were known to be the boys girlfriends and I tried to follow as many if them back as I could . I could follow a few more people before I reached my follow limit so I decided to do a follow spree . I tweeted

@ little_emily - tweet #followemily if you want a follow back as I am doing a follow spree guys :)

I tapped my phone on the end of my chair as I waited for people to tweet in their responses for me to follow them. Sure enough in a few mutinies I had people tweeting the #followemily and I started following people . I soon enough had to send out another tweet saying that i had reached my follow limit and I would be back soon

@little_emily - sorry guys twitter won't let me follow any more of you :(

I looked at how many people I had just followed ; 30 , that wasn't too bad . I looked up to find Laura walking towards the hospital bed and signalling she was ready. She came over to the bed and looked at Aisha .

" is she asleep" she whispered as she pointed to a peacefully sleeping Aisha . That was the only time she got some rest was when she was sleeping .

" yes " I replied as I collected my bag and stood up , a nurse walked over to us and told us that it was the end of visiting times . We told her we were just going and thanked her before walking off to the car . I walked through the double automatic doors and shuddered .

I remembered what happened only a few days ago over by the side hospital wall

*Flash Back*

" josh let go of me" I screamed as he tightened his grip on my wrist and I dropped brads things . I tried to prize his fingers apart with my other hand. He just grabbed my other hand and now both of my wrists were being pulled and twisted in different directions as I struggled out of his grasp .

" josh your hurting my wrists let go" I screamed once again

" No" josh shouted back his voice cold and angry . I started to get scared. I'd never seen josh angry before and what he could do frightened me

" Not until you listen " josh shouted again
I struggled more and more as tears tore down my face. I tried to get my wrists back and out of his hands . He just tightened his grip . It was like he was stabbing me. I struggled even more but it just made it worse. I couldn't breath

" josh please" I squealed in pain

" let me explain" he shouted again as he pulled me towards the outside hospital wall

" No Josh" I screamed

*End Of Flash Back*

I rubbed my wrists at the thought of the pain. You could still see a faint outline of finger marks and it was still red

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