"And they are balanced till now. Tell me father, when have I disappointed you? It has been a year of me being the head alpha and nothing has gone wrong!"

Sompob sighed. Never had he been able to win an argument with his son. He needed to rope in his wife into this. But Mrs. Adulkittiporn believed that Off will realise these things in his own time. For now, Sompob decided to let his son be.

"If you think so. I'll let this matter rest for now. But promise me Jumpol, you will think about this."

Off grudgingly nodded, "If you wish so dad. But I don't think it'll change my mind."

Sompob knew otherwise but decided to not to further voice his opinions. As his wife had told him, he'll learn.

Off Jumpol was an exceptional leader. There was not one person who didn't follow his orders. It rarely happened that an individual's orders were recieved by the public as law. Wolves were powerful creatures and hated being ordered. Off spoke with such strong conviction that the people followed his words despite their nature. But everyone has a flaw. And as mentioned before, Off had a flaw of temper. He lost his cool one too many times. Everyone knew that their leader's temper must not be tested.

One fine morning, Singto Prachaya came to Off's office to place an odd request.

"You want to cross the river? For fashion?" Off was surprised to be honest. This man was supposed to be his right hand in the future. And here he was voicing such a silly request.

"P'Off they have a better sense of style than us. And it is just two days of workshop. If I learn there, I will bring that knowledge here. It will not be a waste. Leader Tay crosses the river all the time and nothing happened till now."

Singto's reasoning was valid. Off found no loophole except the age old legend. And these were the modern times. Not everyone held the same belief as him. So he allowed Singto to leave not knowing that this very act of his was going to change his life.

And so it happened.

Singto returned after two days with a smile and a whole load of clothes. Off was impressed by how much the workshop had helped Singto.

"People from both the sectors were there. I alone was from W sector. At first, they looked at me as if I was an alien. But then P'Gun was so friendly and supportive that soon others also accepted me. They even requested me to come next year. They said that I had talent!" Singto recited happily to his father.

Off, Mr. Prachaya and Mrs. Adulkittiporn smiled happily at Singto. Just then  Ohm Pawat arrived at the main hall. Ohm was Singto's fiancee.

Singto approached his lover with a smile and went for a hug. But Ohm stopped him with a cold glare. Shocked, all of them watched Ohm remove his ring and place it in Singto's hand.

"Goodbye, cheater." Singto was scandalized.

"Wait! Ohm! What are you talking about? What did I do?" Singto held Ohm's arm to stop him from leaving.

"You cheated! Now let me go!" Ohm tried to go away but Singto hugged him.

"But I didn't!"

"Just because you crossed the river doesn't mean I'll not find out!"

Singto now seemed desperate, "I swear I didn't cheat. Love, I would never!"

"Then who was that freaking omega you spend a night with?!"

Singto froze. By this time, everyone had come out to the main hall to watch the drama. Off held his fist tight. He hated cheaters. In fact, all the wolves did. Wolves were known for their loyalty. To cheat was to sin. And one law of Sector W stated that the disloyal had to cross the river and never look back.

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