Hanging Out with Crosshairs and Friends

Start from the beginning

Third person pov

Optimus was about to question what it was that made them all angry but one look at the terrified sparkling made him close his mouth. Crosshairs grabbed the kid and placed her on his shoulder while she looked like she got punched in the face because of what Cade said. Take her back where you found her! She didn't have anywhere else to go. She doesn't have any other family members to live with, that she knew of at least. The only family members she had were her parents. Her grandparents passed away due to age and something else she didn't know about since no one told her. She heard Hound say, "Human beings, bunch of back-stabbin' weasels." She giggled at that and he smiled at her and she returned the smile. Drift, who noticed the young one's smile said, "Hound find your inner compass. Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation." She giggled at that. Optimus was watching the sparkling interact with his Autobots and he smiled a soft small smile. Optimus and the others turned when they heard someone drive up to where they are. Abigail felt Cross stiffen and then he and the others quickly transformed into their alt modes and Abby felt scared. Cross heard her whimper in fear and activated his holoform and he hugged the young sparkling in his arms. The newcomer was an ambulance that Optimus recognized as his old friend, Ratchet the Autobots medical officer and transformed to greet his old friend.

Abby climbed out of Cross' alt mode so he can transform and the girl, Tessa walked up to her and grabbed her and carried her over to her dad. Abby looked at the newcomer as the Autobots all greeted him and then she was placed on the ground. Cade was looking at her and asking her questions but she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. She noticed the Autobot medic was looking at her and his eyes widened before crouching to the ground and motioning for her to come to him. She looked at Cross who nodded his head and the others were also encouraging her so she walked up, being cautious like how she was when she first met Crosshairs. She reached the Autobot and he introduced himself, "Don't worry young femme, I won't hurt you. My name is Ratchet. I am the Autobots medic. What is your name?" She looked at him as he said his name and said, "My name is Abigail. Nice to meet you Ratchet," he nodded his helm in greeting as she introduced herself. "How old are you Abigail?" Cade must have thought that was a wrong question to ask a child so he thought about yelling about how no one should be asking a child that but Abigail ignored him and answered "I'm four years old." His optics widened as he noticed some finger bruises on her neck and went to pick her up but noticed Crosshairs stiffened and said, "I will need to scan her to see if she has any injuries on her or not. I will not drop her don't worry," Crosshairs nodded his helm and Ratchet picked her up and scanned her with something.

Abigail's pov

I giggled as I was being scanned because it tickled! "That tickles." I said as I giggled and every Autobot chuckled, even Optimus and Ratchet. Ratchet noticed something and stopped chuckling and looked at me with sad eyes and Optimus asked, "What is it, old friend?" Ratchet looked at everyone and then me and said, "We need to find a quiet place to chat with the young one about something. You humans stay here." He said and started walking off with me in his hand but Shane was about to argue when Ratchet pulled a wrench out of nowhere and started twirling it around his fingers and everybot stiffened at the sight of the evil tool that he has with him. Shane stopped talking and started shaking while saying go ahead and chat with the girl before he fast walked over to Cade who was laughing.

After we left the three humans, Ratchet was looking at me and scanning me again until he asked me, "Abigail, where did you get those bruises and cuts?" I looked at him with wide eyes and looked at Crosshairs who looked at me with a face that says 'you need to tell them.' I shook my head and whimpered softly. Ratchet looks at me with soft eyes and the others were waiting for me to explain what happened. So I finally spilled what happened for me to get these bruises and cuts. My dad was an abusive man, always on drugs and drinking alcohol whenever he's near the house. "He's always been like that since I was born. He wasn't a nice guy to me or my mommy." I feel tears spilling from my eyes as I revealed what happened, "He-he killed her in front of me. He killed my mom in front of me. I couldn't turn away or I was next." I start sobbing and everyone watched horrified. "After my mom's death, I got kicked out of the house and went to the barn, which was my safe haven and I met Crosshairs there because he was hiding. I helped him heal and he's been with me ever since. After we left the barn to give my dad some things, my house was on fire. My dad was inside the house screaming and then we left. There was nothing but ashes." I cover my mouth as I kept crying.

Autobots pov

Everyone watched as the young femme cried after explaining what happened to her with sad eyes. No child should lose both parents. Especially at the age of four years old no less. They watched as she tried to calm herself down and stop her tears. Ratchet, Hound and Optimus all looked mad at what the femme's father did to both her and her mother. They knew she was too young to go off on her own and needed someone to take care of her while helping her adjust to life as it is now. Drift and Bumblebee were helping the young one calm down. Crosshairs blames himself for not helping her out of that situation sooner but knows she would scold him for blaming himself. She always had a way of telling him not to blame himself.

After a few minutes of chatting with the Autobots, they all walked back to where the humans are and Abby was set on the ground and she followed Crosshairs to where he and the others were having a conversation with one another. She stood near Ratchet while Optimus was pacing and asking the other Autobots a question. "So there's been no sign of any others?" Drift shook his head. "Nada." Crosshairs says, "They're picking us off one by one." Abigail whimpered in sadness and Ratchet scooped her up and rubbed her helm with a digit calming her down. "You guys don't deserve this! You guys didn't do anything wrong!" She said with anger for whoever blamed the Autobots for whatever it is they are being blamed for. All of them looked at her with sad smiles while Crosshairs looked like he was about to leak his coolants because she was sticking up for them even though she was suffering the loss of her parents and bearing scars that she will have for a long time. Hound and Bumblebee looked at her with soft optics while Ratchet was smiling down at her. He might have only known her for a few minutes but he already thinks of her as a granddaughter just like how he knows Crosshairs thinks of her as a daughter he's always wanted to have.

Cade and the other two humans were around the fire which Cade built. Abby stayed away since she didn't feel safe with it wanting to lick her skin. She's still afraid after what happened to her parents. She also wonders where the Dinobots are. She wonders if they're okay and if she'll see them again. She snapped out of her thoughts when she hears Drift talk about Bumblebee to Optimus about how Bumblebee took over as leader despite his lack of warrior experience and how he's like a child. She looks at Drift who looks at her and corrects himself. "He's like a child far younger than the young flower that we have in our group." She giggles and heard Bumblebee say something but Ratchet covered her ears with his hands and yelled something at Bee who was busy fighting Drift. Ratchet blocked the fight from the young child's view and she sat on his hand while she heard Crosshairs say, "Yes! I've been waiting for them to dispatch each other so I can take charge with no trouble at all! Just me reportin' to me." Abby looked at Cross and shook her head, her black hair swaying from her head movement. He looked at her and chuckled as he took her from Ratchet and held her close to his chassis. She noticed that Cade was talking and Optimus ignoring him and then they were watching what looked like clips of what happened to some Autobots and she sniffled and Crosshairs rubbed her back soothingly and Hound said something about a battle and Cade asked, "What if you had human help?"

His daughter not liking the idea said, "what, are you two partners now?" Cross scoffed and said, "Ungrateful brat." Abby chuckled quietly at that and Optimus looked at Crosshairs with a scowl and he stopped. After that everyone got ready to turn in for the night.

Few minutes later

Everyone was settling down for the night. Ratchet didn't want anyone near him. Neither did Hound. Tessa was sleeping in Bumblebee's alt mode while Cade slept in Optimus' alt. Shane slept in Drift's alt while the little girl slept in Cross' alt mode. She had a new blanket wrapped around her while she slept in the back seats. She yawned and everybot 'awed' at that before they all went to sleep/recharge.

Abigail's dream

Abby was standing on a street while everyone else was running and trying to hide. She heard gunshots and looked around before she was placed in a car. She was scared and wanted Crosshairs but she couldn't move and looked down to see she was being hugged by a bald guy who was yelling something at Cade. Abby looked out the window to see a tall skinny but scary looking robot shoot Crosshairs and he started decaying to dust.
Dream/nightmare ends

"CROSSHAIRS!" Abigail sat up breathing heavily and was looking around until she felt arms wrap around her and pull her towards him and she started crying in his chest. Crosshairs whispered soothing words to her and rocked her back and forth while rubbing her back. She sniffled and cried as she gripped a fistful of his jacket and said, "Don't go." He shook his head as he rocked her and said, "I won't go little one, go to sleep." She nodded and closed her eyes.

"Good night sweet spark."

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