Colors by Halsey

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It's ok Encre, I'm shorter than you. :''''3

Encre: Finally taller than someone UwU

Ans Fall... THERE AIN'T NO STOPPING MEHHHHHH!!!!! *Laughs psychoticly* *suddenly chokes and coughs* AHEM! Anyways,

Fallacy: Whoa you okay there XD

I dare you all of you guys to sing Colours by Halsey (and EVERYONE MUST HAVE A PART OR ELSE YOU GUYS WILL ALL SUFFER!!!):3

Suave: Colors?

Author: ..... I'm making a confession.... I had to look it up since I didn't know the song...

Jasper: Whoa did you just admit something

Author: Shud up Jasper, now sing *Shows Song*

Fallacy: Okay, I'll go first.

Fallacy: "Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so

You said your mother only smiled on her tv show
You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope
I hope you make it to the day you're twenty-eight years old"

Encre: "You're dripping like a saturated sunrise

You're spilling like an overflowing sink
You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece
And now i'm tearing through the pages and the ink"

Jasper: "Everything is blue

His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now i'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue"

Suave: "Everything is grey

His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue"

Erreur: "You were a vision in the morning when the light came through

I know I've only felt religion when i've lied with you
You said you'll never be forgiven till your boys are too
And I'm still waking every morning but it's not with you"

Peindre: "You're dripping like a saturated sunrise

You're spilling like an overflowing sink
You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece
And now I'm tearing through the pages and the ink"

Author: Everything is blue

His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I'm covered in the colors Pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue

Charlos: "Everything is grey

His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue"

Fibi: "You were red, and you liked me because I was blue

But you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky
Then you decided purple just wasn't for you"

Author: "Everything is blue

His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blueEverything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue"

Author: Well sung everyone, but we got another dare.

Everyone: WHAT

Author: Someone new joined :)

Author: Everyone leave except Encre

Encre: Oh Non (Oh no)

Everyone -Author and Encre: *leaves*

Encre: What's the ask...


Encre i dare you to scare Fallacy and the others as a sneaky animal!

Encre: As sneaky as an animal?

Author: *Snaps Fingers*

Encre: *Turns Into a cat* 

Author: O H 

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Author: O H 



Encre: Nuuuu

Author: Go scare everyone..... somehow..

Encre: Somehow?!?

Author: You're too cute to scare anyone XD

Encre: *Growls and leaves*

Encre: *Finds Fallacy*

*In Head*

I'll scare him first, he hates being touched...

Encre: *Jumps On Fallacy* Rawr!!!!

Fallacy: Hekdhejsbjrisowpqpsjjfjejksfb *Screams*

Fallacy: *Grabs Encre by the fur* Encre.... is this you.

Encre:..... yeah

Fallacy: You. Gave. Me. A. Heart. Attack.

Encre: Where is everyone else?

Fallacy: You just ignored the fac- nevermind. Peindre and Erreur are out of the castle, but everyone is in the dining hall. 

Encre: Thanks

Fallacy: Be carful, Japser is allergic to cats...

Encre: Wait Really??

Fallacy: *Nods*

Encre: I'll try...

Encre: *leaves and climbs up on a chandler*

Everyone: *Talking* 

Encre: *Jumps down* RAWR!!!

Everyone: *Screams*

Jasper: *Screaming* Achoo *Scream* Achoo achoo achoo achoo

Author: Okay that's enough *Snaps finger and turns Encre back*

Everyone: *Complaining*

Jasper: *Takes a nap*

Author: SORRY EVERYONE!!! Thanks for the asks, and I'll see you next time!!

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