Dates Not The Gross Fruit

Start from the beginning

"So that's how you win Just Dance."

"Oh shut your trap you trap."

"I met a trap once, and man she had some huge tits."

We get to the door a long line goes back around the building into the parking lot and Jamie is in the front guarding the door.


He pulls me into his huge arms and hugs me.

"Gonna dance!?"

I whisper to him quietly.


"Damn, next time, oh hi there."

"Hey there hot stuff."

Offender is awfully giddy. Jamie releases me and I walk in. I pull Offender in too. The music is loud and people are dancing wildly, girls and guys both dance on small stages, there are private room for people to get private dances. A lot of people are grinding and not so subtly fucking.

Offender turns me around and kisses me flat on the lips, he laughs as he pulls away.

"Oh babe you are funny."

I hear a good song and smile.

"Gonna dance or stand there looking like a pole?"

"As long as the flag gets up I'm-"

"Shut up."

I drag him to the floor and dance with him. He is surprisingly not stiff.

"You have hips? Wow didn't know."

"Woah you have tits?"

He rips the top of my shirt so my boobs are visible. I sigh and frown at him. Guess he can't take ridicule.

"Wanna bet I can get more attention then you?"

"Um no, because you will cheat."

"Will not!"

We yell over the music and Offender squeezes in between two girls, he takes off his coat and has a button up white shirt on. They laugh loudly and hoot. I roll my eyes and I feel his eyes on me as I slide between a guy and a girl. I face the guy and shake around him. Then turn to the girl who seemed confused I smile and dance with her she laughs and dances too. Soon Offender and I get to everyone and we get to the D.J. and start dancing.

The D.J. tries to kick us off the stage but we refuse, we are stuck like leeches the owner is a guy I have never seen. He gets the security guards and forces them to take us to the office. We get set down in lether chairs. We both are hot from the heat in the strobe lighting room.

"It's a new owner."

"Yeah he's cute."

I roll my eyes at Offender.

"You are like a hkrny teenager."

"And you are like five, so shut up."

I laugh at him trying to insult me. The new owner walks in. You can tell he is the owner from the way he holds himself, as if he is better than us. I mean I have known this place longer than he, and Offender is richer than him.

"Are you guys stupid or drunk?"

"Which answer would you rather?"

Offender purrs. The owner growls and points to the door flushed.

"What happened to the old boss?"

"He retired."

"Yeah well, it was that or a curse."

I yell out, we are escorted out of the club. The cold air of the night feels good.

"Ah, well, fun while it lasted."


"I would like to love you inside and out."

He flirted. I laugh and pull him down to me. I smile largely, "No."

He blows raspberries at me. We walk to an open field. There were trees and just patches if dead grass. I sit down but don't lay down afraid of what is in the grass.

"So, wanna work for me yet?"


"You are going to be a pain in the ass, Slender has Irena, he has a whole house of murderers, where do you fit in."

"In this little shoe bow at the bottom of the trashcan in the upstairs second bathroom."

He scoffs then morphs back to his form.

"Okay, well I would like you to choose sooner or later because I am impatient and Slender is patient."

"Nah I'm good."

I lean on his arm he is warmer then the air and I love it.

"You are seriously going to do this? I am a demon I could do whatever I want to you."

"Uh huh."

"I'm not kidding I could make it become a footstool of I wanted!"

"Uh huh."

"Do you not believe me? I have the power to do everything! Anything! And I know that you know it....."

"Uh huh."

"Are you falling asleep?"


"Are you lying to me?"

I nod my head.

"Do you want me?"

I shake my head. He sighs.

"Do you like me?"

I nod.

"Do you really cause problems in the house because you are bored?"

Next thing I know it is quiet, at least for me it is.

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