Grapes Under Waterfalls

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Mirio stretched out his arms as he laid on the bright glowing green grass next to the lake, enjoying the sun hit his smiling face. The breeze carried leaves from the tree's to the water surface beside him. Crickets going off and butterflies dancing around flowers. 

Mirio let out a sigh as he was enjoying the gracefulness of his surroundings. He listened to his surroundings until he noticed the sound of a waterfall in the distance. 

Bouncing up onto his feet, Mirio followed the sound of rushing water with charm in his step. He walked further and further until he stood at the top of the waterfall looking down at the view before him. 

He opened up his arms again and inhaled the fresh air, "This is nice" he sighed out, looking at the view of the valley tree's he could see below him. 

He looked down once again to the water crashing into the rocks meters under his feet.  His smile faded suddenly, when he remembered why he had gone out exploring by himself. His heart began to feel heavy.

His thoughts turned dark as he had an idea what to do with the height in which he stood. 

He stretched out one foot off the edge as if he was about to jump, looking at the sharp rocks below. He tilted himself forward getting ready to fall...but then he saw something scurry away in the shadows of the tree's below him. 

Mirio panicked and fell back on his two feet so he wouldn't fall. On his knee's, he peaked over the edge to get another glimpse of what moved in the shadows. 

The blurred creature moved closer to the river to get a drink from the water, coming out into the light not knowing he was being watched. 

Mirio's heart skipped a beat when he saw the long horns and the torn wings of the skinny creature trying to grab water in his palms. Mirio starred at the figure struggle to grab water to drink. He was in a black, old and ripped cloak. His horns pierced the hoodie he wore over his head hiding his face. 

As Mirio looked closer, he noticed the arms of the boy were skinny enough to almost see the bone. He leaned in closer only to make some rocks of the edge fall into the water alerting the boy. 

Mirio paniced and stood up as the Dragon child looked up at him. "Uh...H-Hi!" Mirio nervously shouted out with his hand up waving slightly.

 Suddenly the boy being startled began running away into the tree's. "W-wait!" Mirio yelled panicing on how to get down to him safely before he was out of his range of sight.

Mirio went and jumped into one of the tree's below him, luckily only getting tiny scratches from the twigs. 

He hurriedly made his way to the ground and followed the dragon child  who was barely in his sight because of so many tree's. 

"Please stop!"Mirio yelled out "I dont want to hurt you!" 

He ran and ran until he got to the last spot where he saw the child. Out of breath, Mirio sat down on a chair-sized rock infront a smaller waterfall. He huffed and puffed and looked down at his feet which sat next to the flow of water. 

He wiped his forehead and went to scoop some water until he realised that disturbed residence of mud flowed down the stream behind him. He stood up and looked at the waterfall behind him, he noticed there were fresh footprints in the mud of the water heading into the waterfall.  

Mirio gulped before stepping into a cave hidden behind the waterfall. It was dark and cold but not dark enough to be invisible to navigate. He followed the water footprints on the floor of the cave. 

With the sound of pebbles grinding against the ground, Mirio noticed the child hiding in a corner shivering. 

"Hey, I'm sorry for the startle earlier..." Mirio giggles quietly. The dragon child covered his face with his hood as Mirio walked over slowly. "Whats your name?" Mirio asked sitting a meter way from him. 

The child looked at him with one eye revealed from his hood.  Mirio noticed him peaking at him and moved his face closer to look at his eyes more closely. Startling the child and making him jump up and back to the wall as far as he could. 

Mirio looked away covering his eyes realising the dragon boy was naked under his cloak, turning his body away, "Uh-I'm-I'm so sorry I didn't know! I didnt mean to!"

Mirio stuttered embarrassed, he took off his jacket and placed it behind him "P-put this on...i-if you want" Mirio was worried about the child because he was covered in scar's and bruises all over his body. 

"M-may are ask what happened to your clothes?" Mirio asked as he sensed that the boy had snatched the jacket he left behind him, still with his eyes covered. There was no reply. 

 Mirio felt a pebble bounce and hit his back, he slowly turned around to see him wearing the jacket under his cloak as best as he could. "i-it looks good on you" Mirio smiled, only to be replied with a stare.

"Can you speak?" Mirio questioned. The dragon boy just starred shaking either from the cold or of fright. Mirio sighed in gloom "I guess not heh" 

Mirio reached for his satchel and grabbed out some grapes which caught the boy's attention immediately. "Your very you want something to eat?" he said as he rolled some over to him, the boy then snatching them of the ground like a hawk catching mice. 

Mirio smiled and then stretched his hand out with grapes in his palm. The boy with grape juice all over his mouth starred at the pile in Mirio's palm, trying to see if it was some kind of trap.

The boy squatted down and slowly approached Mirio, he stretched out his fingers to grab a grape with his long sharp fingernails one at a time. Mirio smiled after the child began to get a little braver with each grape. 

(Howdy Doody! This story is inspired by a song I listened to while designing my dragon Tamaki cosplay xD I was designing him and then a particular song was on and then my mind just went Story mode lel The Song isssss "Its Alright by Mother Mother" 

As I said before this story will contain manga spoilers so don't continue if you haven't read the manga or haven't watched season 4 (saying this for future reasons, ik season 4 isn't out YET! but future reasons.) 

Hugs n love to Yall <3 

Words- 1148

~Story Started 9th of October, 2019~ )

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