Can I Lay By Your Side, Next To You?

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Jonghyun's POV

It is a normal day, the weather brewing outside as snow sweeps past the small window of the door I stand in front of. Every few minutes, the snow slowing down just to speed up once more as the wind blows in through the small crack at the bottom of the door making the tips of my feet freeze in the warmth of the room around me. Shamefully even in blizzard like weather, the school still decides it isn't bad enough to cancel as I shove on the warmest clothes I own on the way to the tortuous bus stop.

Yelling out a quick "goodbye" I start to trudge through the deep of the snow. The wind peaking in through my heavy coat as I shiver at the weather. My white hair poking out and stiffening against my forehead as the wind is too harsh for it. And I don't stop on the walk to the bus stop, which happens to be two blocks away from where me and my family live. Pulling up the scarf around my nose every so often as the tip of it starts to get cold, and the weather making it harder and harder to breathe. I somehow still make it on time to that same and most times broken down old school bus. As the doors chime when they open and everyone walking up the same grey stairs to a spot.

And the only thing about riding the bus, is my best friend Kibum rides it. There he sits like always in the back waving his arm around vigorously to let me know where he is, but I always know anyway. Smiling I make my way back to him, like the tortuous weather is worth it to see him. My best friend, the person who has stood by me in times when I feel like I have no one else, Kibum never left. And that is the reason why I love him.

"Kibum," I say energetically as I sit down beside him in a small hug.

"Hi Jonghee, man its only November and the weather is like this," laughs Kibum staring out the window.

Truthfully, it is in the second week of November and the blizzards have already started. And for Kibum, it has never possesses a problem for him, however for me it always is. And Kibum always notices since day one. And he slides his arm around me and bringing me close to him to cuddle up into his side for warmth. And I can never tell if I feel warmer because of the extra heat around me, or if its because Kibum is right next to me. But as long as he is always right here next to me, I could care less to figure out which answer it truly is.

With the loud screech of the breaks from the cold, the bus comes to a halt reaching the school. And it always sucks riding on a bus warm for ten to fifteen minutes and then run into the school to try and warm up once more. But like every day, I have Kibum right next to me as we run inside, laughing his contagious laugh and smiling his eye dropping smile. He always looks perfect, he always has. Nothing about this boy since day one has ever been imperfect and I always look up to him, even now with his adorable light purple hair.

"Come on Jonghee," he grabs my hand forcing me to the line for breakfast.

A normal action of hand holding that sends my heart aflame. His soft hand with its delicate grip on mine. It's like our hands were meant to be like this, together. His fingers shaping mine well, and curving around the rather small of my hand. Even to his hands, this boy is perfect. Standing behind him, it's easy to slot my head on his shoulder. Like his height just stopping just for us to be able to be in this moment.

"You're more affection today," he jokes with his normal smile.

Truth be told, the weather made me feel god awful. The shiver in my bones, the run of my nose as my head started to gain a light pound from the sickness to this cursing weather I am getting. But here I am, with Kibum and I feel as if I haven't been sick to begin with.

"Catching a cold," is my only comment. Only Kibum can understand my cuddly nature in this type of weather.

All I answer is with a nod as as we keep moving forward in the line. His hand never once letting go of mine as my head barely leaves his shoulder. It takes more effort, but I would rather go through that then leave in the moment with Kibum. It's when we sit down, he finally sits on a chair with me putting an arm around me. Slotting my head on his chest as the warmness of the room surrounds us. Small sniffles and coughs escape every so often as I smile shyly up to him.

Lay Me Down (A Jongkey Christmassy Short Story) 《COMPLETED》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora