Come on I'm not all bad

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A/N: warning there is explicit language in this chapter and will probably be more in the further chapters. Apologies if that makes you uncomfortable. Ok.

It's been one week since we had this music project assigned and Lauren has been coming to me and Rosie's dorm all week. We haven't really talked at all. It was a quick hi and then off to our projects. We don't talk in psychology class either.

She always ends up sitting with Rosie or some other kid in class. It's starting to make me genuinely upset. She's basically ignoring me. I have to prove to her I'm not all that bad. I got it. I pull out my phone and start texting in me, Andi, and Em's Gc.

Y/N: look Lauren is still kissed at me so plan show Lauren I'm not a "bad boy" is a go

Nerd: but you are

Em the gem: hahahahaha

Y/N: ok first off no I'm not second off rude!

Em the gem: yes you are

Nerd: agreed

Y/N: How?! Give me one good reason

Nerd: you're a player you've had like three girlfriends in the past like nothing and a half

Em the gem: And you get into fights and get drunk and high at parties

Y/N: ...

Nerd and Em the gem: Hahahahahah

Y/N: so I could not do those things😑

Nerd: sure Jan

Y/N: ok well are you guys going to keep proving I'm a bad girl or are y'all gonna help

Em the gem: we'll help

Y/N: Thanks Bub

Nerd: what's the plan of action???

Y/N: Maybe a bit of Y/N charm you know flowers flirting sweet gestures and ig no getting drunk or high

Nerd: 🤯😯 no getting drunk or high didn't know you could do that

Y/N: shut it nerd

Em the gem: hahahahaha

Y/N: look whatever meet at cafe?

Nerd: sure

Em the gem: yep

I clicked off messages and got into a pair of jean shorts and a burgundy shirt. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed to the cafe. After a solid 10 minute walk to the cafe I saw both nerd and loser sitting at our usual table.

I made my way over and sat in then empty seat.

"Alright you guys ready to help me plan?" They both nodded.

"Cool, so what were we thinking?" Andi took our a piece of paper and a pen.

"Ok so here is what we were thinking...compliment her but like not to an excessive amount..and oh get her flowers or like have chocolate on you and offer it to her...and you can flirt a little bit don't make it to uncomfortable especially since she might be straight.." I nodded. Andi is always good at coming up with plans she's the MVP when it comes to this stuff.

"Anything else?" Em grabbed the pad.

"Yea and be nice and try to avoid fights and be mature show her you can be mature and that your not this it?" I nodded.

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