Chapter IV

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"I'm scared they'll forget me, so I keep reminding them I'm here."

Naib Subedar - The Mercenary

       The second floor was quite crowded after the match at nine o'clock. Due to the lively residents staying on the same floor, not that he minded. He had taken notes of all the residents staying in whichever floor. Although he never got to explore some parts of the manor due to 'rules.'

Despite the commotion on the second floor, he somehow blocked out most of the noises as he stepped towards his room at the end of the hallway. It felt like forever, with each step he took he felt his own body weight growing heavier and heavier. Or either his legs were just giving out.

Just as he reached out for the doorknob, a hand was wrapped around his waist. He did not even bother turning around to know who it was. "Campbell, let go." His tone was bored and exhausted. He could barely keep his eyes open.

"Not so lively now, Subedar?" The prospector— Norton, tightened his grip instead. He knew that the mercenary could handle it. He wanted to know what was wrong.

The mercenary did not answer to that, he instead just fell limp although still conscious. Usually, he would be fighting back. Now, it was beginning to fill the prospector with worry. "What's wrong, kitten?" Expecting a retort from the mercenary, but he was responded with silence instead.

        Norton's gaze softened at the sight, he then went ahead and opened the mercenary's door to invite himself in while still having the other in his arms. He would be lying if he didn't nearly knock his jaw against the other's head because of their height difference. This wasn't the time to be teasing, hopefully it doesn't last long.

        "I'm sorry.." the mercenary spoke as soon as the prospector sat him down on the edge of the bed. "I'm just tired." Tired? He has never seen him behave like this, not even if he's low on energy. He would always pretend.

        Laying his partner down, which normally would have been a pain in the ass— but right now the brunette was like a lifeless doll. Norton did not even need to make an effort to lay him down. This was concerning. Grabbing a chair to sit right next to Naib.

        Although knowing the mercenary, he will not bother asking what happened. The answer would always be short and empty, the smiles would be as fake as those roses displayed at the manor when they all first arrived. It was until Emma decided to remove them and plant actual roses. "Rest then." He watched as Naib stare back at him, the other instantly shut up after seemingly wanting to protest.

        "Can't sleep while you're watching me." The mercenary yawned, which was true— imagine trying to sleep while someone was clearly watching as you do so. Quite disturbing, is it not?

        The prospector let out a sigh, "Gotta make sure you sleep tight, deal with it." Slightly amused as the other pouted.

        Both of them soon fell asleep together with Norton sleeping on Naib's chest. The doctor went to check on them both only to witness such interaction. She could not help but smiled at that. She gently closed the door.


        Morning soon came, the sunlight blocked by the opaque cushion on the window. It was thick enough to not let any light into the room. The mercenary woke up as he felt a weight on his chest, only to be met with the prospector's sleeping face. He looked at peace for once.

He slid from underneath the prospector, making sure the other was not woken up. Headed right into the showers in his room and locked the bathroom door.

        The prospector awoke soon after the mercenary stepped into the shower. He was not aware that he fell asleep during the night in the other's room. Never had he imagined falling asleep in someone else's room aside from his own, it was a good night sleep for once. No nightmare, no insomnia, just a peaceful sleep. It all vanished right after he felt the other's body heat leaving him. He knew the mercenary had something to do with it.

        After around seven minutes, Naib reentered the room with his hair dripping wet, although wearing the same outfit. He has yet to bandage both his arms, a towel hung over his shoulder. "You're awake." He simply commented as he made eye contact with the prospector, no signs of being surprised.

        "You too." That was awkward, Norton simply blurted out whatever he could have thought of. His brain went out for lunch when it was not even noon yet. He mentally slapped himself.

        Naib blinked a couple of times before chuckling, "No shit." He sat down on the edge of his bed with bandages in his hand. He stretched out his right arm as he began to wrap it in bandages, faint scars were visible no thanks to the exposure of his skin.

        The ravenette watched from behind, a hint of concern in his eyes although he was not aware of expressing it. He stood up and went towards the mercenary, "Need help with that?"

        "I can do it on my own." The mercenary did not bother to even spare a glance at Norton, but the other would not have it.

        A hand then gripped onto the mercenary's, causing him to yelp in surprise. He looked over to the prospector who wore a smile on his face, "Let me help you." It was not a question, it was an order. The tone of his voice set Naib off, speechless and tensed. Hesitantly, the brunette nodded at his request.

        "Why hide them?" Norton questioned as he skilfully wrapped the other's arm with black bandages. As he was done, he reached for the other arm— his eyes fell on the faint scars that were visible, he never noticed how many there were.

        The mercenary was silent, although opened his mouth to answer a few seconds later. "Ashamed."

        A single response from him, Norton knew the message. 'Stop asking, none of your business, just finish what you started and leave.' He stared eye-to-eye with the mercenary before letting out a sigh as he began to wrap the other's left arm with bandages.


        Once Norton has left the room, Naib instantly broke down. Why was he acting this way? Hoping the other was not mad at him, he just immediately blanked out when talked about his scars.

        Before he was able to tear up, he forced his emotions off. Just pretend, and everything would be fine.


        A smile was planted on his face right when he approached the main hall. Greeting everyone, making sure they greet back. He needed to make sure that he stays in the others' memories, no matter how much it takes. No matter how many tears he needed to contain in his almost-breaking body.

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