If the two days went slowly for some fans, the boys felt as if barely an hour had passed. They were standing backstage and could hear the screams of fans in the giant venue. The cue was sent; Ritsuka stepped on stage first and got ready for the show. He closed off all distractions, just as he did before all shows. He didn't see his bandmates getting ready next to him, but he heard clearly the indication of the beginning of the song. They were performing three of their songs, all of which Mafuyu sang beautifully.

If they were scared of messing up, the cheering of the pop star's fans after the last note of their last song resonated was just enough for them to know that they nailed it.

Running off the stage, Mafuyu jumped in his boyfriend's, who had just gotten off before him,  arms. The two boys spun around, unaware of the technician chief who, from her booth, was filming them. She had promised her friends, who were huge fans of 'Given' to send them a video of the guys backstage. She filmed them, along with Akihiko and Haruki who were chuckling at their friends' antics. Their gesture, possibly considered friendly in any other part of the world, was extremely weird and affectionate, coming from two boys in the conservative Japan.

Nonetheless, she sent them the video.

"Mafuyu, Uenoyama!" Haruki roared the second they stepped in the studio.

"What's up?" Ritsuka raised a confused eyebrow.

"Have you guys been on the band's twitter recently?" Akihiko asked, dropping a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"No, why?"

Akihiko pulled out his phone and showed the other couple the swarming notifications, all featuring the same video, a video took backstage at their lastest performance.

"I-I'm not sure what to say." Mafuyu muttered.

"Fans know something's up. That kind of hug is not just friendly." The oldest stated, now calmer, but with a glare.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know that someone was filming." Mafuyu lowered his head.

Haruki's eyes softened.

"Hey, it's fine, we'll just have to make a quick video and upload it. Tell the truth, but move it around. We just say we didn't think our romantic life was important as a band, so we never mentioned it, we didn't think it would make such a fuss, something like that."

Akihiko sighed, setting up his phone to record.

"Be concise."

The recording started. Ritsuka took a deep breath.

"Hello. I- uh.. I never really thought we would be doing this when we're a band of friends, but I guess no one can escape the grip of drama." He let out a nervous chuckle.

"We're just passing a message about the video that was taken backstage at our latest concert." Mafuyu softly added.

"Mafuyu and I are indeed dating, we just never thought it would make a difference to our band. We wanted to just clear the rumours and just place the fact." The two boys exchanged a slight smile.

The blond uploaded the video and sighed, sitting on the ground.

If anyone was relieved about letting out the secret, it was Ritsuka. He could now tell the world that Mafuyu was his, and only his. After the video was published he sat exactly where he had been, grinning from ear to ear.

After about 30 minutes, Haruki took a photo of the ever-so-still Ritsuka and put it on their Twitter with the caption "The guy's been smiling for the past 30 minutes and I'm not even exaggerating."

Surprisingly enough (at least for the guys), their whole coming out as a relationship was fairly well accepted from their fans, most of which replying to their video with phrases such as "I knew it!" or "They are so cute!"

That weekend, Ritsuka decided to spoil his boyfriend rotten. If they were going to be public now, might as well go all out. And what better after a long week of work than going to their now casual sushi place. The woman, upon seeing the two, immediately fell into questioning mode.

For some reason, none of them were bothered by getting asked questions. The happiness of being a newly out couple just couldn't bring their mood down. Now they could walk hand in hand. They could walk closer to each other than normal friends would. It was surreal, but they both were happy. Even the few odd looks they received from older people couldn't bring them to feel any sadness. If they thought that two boys being together was weird, then too bad for them.

"It's the first time I'm this happy." Mafuyu muttered that night, his head snuggled in Ritsuka's chest.

"And I'm happy that it's with you." He quickly added.

"I'm warning you Mafuyu, you're gunna be stuck being happy with me for a good while." Ritsuka replied, a slight vibration rumbling in his chest from the chuckle.

"And that's completely fine." Mafuyu exhaled a last breath before falling into a deep slumber.

I'm not kidding, the beginning of that last line made it seem like the poor guy died. Which made me cackle by the way.

I really love making shy and timid people just blunt when it comes to being a hornball, it's just so unexpected, like "you're not supposed to be blunt you baby, go back to the smol."

Anyway, as I said at the beginning, this is the last part for real because I have another long term fanfic to work on.

Thank you very much

ども ありがとう ございました♡


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