"No, let me at that bitch! I'm not fucking done yet!" I yelled, trying to kick out of the person's grip.

"Shhh, shhh. Baby, calm down." Billie.

She had brought me into a bedroom and set me down on the bed. I sat there and crossed my arms, avoiding Billie's eyes.

"What the fuck happened?" Billie asked, a little harshly. I didn't answer. I looked down at the ground, desperately hoping it would open up and swallow me whole, saving me from a lecture that I knew was bound to come.

She walked over to the corner of the bed, where I was sat down. She grabbed my chin and pulled it up, forcing me to look up at her. "I'm not gonna ask you this again, babygirl. What. Happened?"

I sighed. "She was being a bitch." I said quietly.

"And how exactly?"

"She... She kept saying that I was... your pet? She told me that I should 'get out while I can' and 'before I get my heart broken.' She's lying... right?" I said the last part softly. I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't heard me, but by the look of hurt and confusion that came onto her face, she had in fact heard me.

She sat down next to me and grabbed both my hands, her thumbs immediately starting to rub small circles onto the backs of my hands.

"Baby, you're not my pet. I've never had a pet, whatever the fuck she meant by that. That bitch has just always seemed to have a problem with me for whatever fucking reason. She always tells some bullshit like that to anybody I get close to." She sighed. "But no, I'm not about to drop you and break your heart. That's far from my plans actually."

I smiled softly and moved my hands from Billie's and wrapped my arms around Billie's neck, pulling her in for a hug. Billie wrapped her arms around my waist and held me for a minute.

After a while, Billie pulled away from the hug and placed a hand on my chin. Although her fingers barely grazed where Jay had punched me, I still winced in pain and pulled away. Billie frowned.

"I'm sorry. Here, let's go see what I can do for it." She said softly, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed. She dragged me out the room and to the bathroom. The door was locked, so Billie started banging her first on the door.

"I'm going to need you to get the fuck out of here." Billie shouted through the door.

It took a minute, but the door unlocked and out stepped two guys, whose lips were swollen and their hair was completely messes. It could've just been because I was drunk, but one of them looked stupidly familiar. Like, really familiar. Before I could get a better look though, Billie had shoved the two guys out of the way and pulled me into the bathroom.

She sat me on the counter and inspected where Jay's bitch ass had punched me. She frowned. "It's swollen and it's starting to bruise. We need some ice."

She helped me get off the counter and opened the door. Before she could step out though, there was people running past the door, screaming and hollering.

"The cops are here!" I heard someone yell.

Billie turned to me, a look of shock and panic plastered upon her face. "We need to get the fuck outta here."

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