random pt. 3

45 0 0

"I want to be like you"

"that is... literally illegal. you're describing something illegal."

"what's the plan here?"

"please just... come home"

"all I'm saying is that jurassic park could happen"

"jeez, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?"

"I'm a simple person, I see a cool rock, I pick it up"

"you're so cute I literally cannot handle it right now, so I have to go—"

"hey, uh, what do you got there?"

"we're not friends"

"so, do you come here often or...?"

"slow down, I just want to get to know you..."

"I'm angry at you! I'm upset! and you... you don't even care!"

"will you promise to marry me in the future?"

"what are your thoughts on having kids?"

"you're my best friend. I'll always have your back."

"...do you want to do something stupid with me?"

"you don't have to be jealous, you know—"

"sing me a song"

"did you do this?"

"for once can you please be honest with me?"

"let's run away together. anywhere. I'm tired of this life."

"are you binge watching that show on netflix again?"

"why are you leaving?"

"admit it... I drive you wild"

"you're so infuriating"

"I hate this town"

"I'm one call away, okay? just one call."

"I'll just live in the forest as a goblin"

"you don't know what I'm capable of"

"hey, hey, hey... guess what?"

"hello? 911? I'd like to report a murder of my last remaining brain cells..."

"wow, look who remembered my existence"

"...not many people talk to me..."

"tell me about you. anything. everything."

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