Ocean Eyes

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It was almost midnight and Michael was at the entrance of Luke's house inside his car.

He was done with the distance the blond one established between them. He wanted that to change and, at that moment, he didn't care about anything else except that beautiful yet stubborn boy.

He got out of the car, trying not make any noise. He didn't want Luke's parents to wake up.

He sneaked to Luke's backyard and stared at the window of the blond's bedroom.

The shutters weren't completely down and that meant Luke wasn't sleeping yet. For a few seconds, Michael thought of getting back home and just talk to Luke in the next day, but he knew very well that he wouldn't be able to sleep if he got back home. In fact, he hadn't been able to sleep since Luke stopped talking to him.

Michael takes a deep breath and grabs some small stones from the ground and throws them to Luke's window.

He didn't have a very good aim but the last stone he threw got right in Luke's window.

Moments later, Luke showed up on his window with a tired face that was immediately replaced with an astonished expression.

- Come down here! - Michael whispered loud enough for Luke to hear.

Luke had a bad feeling about this situation. He didn't want to hurt Michael, but at that point, that seemed unavoidable.

He grabbed his hair with his hand in frustration and got out of his bedroom quietly. He closed his room door and got down the stairs heading to his backyard.

Once he got there he came across with an anxious Michael. When he saw the blond boy, he immediately walked towards him.

Michael was ready. He was going to tell Luke everything he had always wanted to say and he wasn't scared of anything. He loved him and no-one would stop him from telling Luke how he felt.

No-one, except Luke.

Before the green-eyed one could even say a word, Luke started speaking.

- What the fuck are you doing here! You shouldn't be here! - Luke seemed angry by the fact that Michael was at his house and the blue-haired was starting to regret his decision of talking to Luke.

- I... I... Fuck it! I'm here because I want to talk to you! You've been avoiding me for almost two weeks and I have no fucking idea why! You just stopped talking to me with no reason! Damnit Luke! What's happening? - Michael was frustrated and that feeling made Luke low his guard.

- Can't you see? We're not supposed to be talking to each other! We're not supposed to be friends! No one likes our friendship, everyone wants to keep us apart, and they must have some reason and perhaps they're right. - Luke was serious but he couldn't look at Michael in the eyes. He was too scared of what would happen if his eyes met his.

- What the hell are you saying? Can you hear yourself?! Since when do you care about others opinions? Fuck them, Luke! - Michael was trying his best not to yell and he approached Luke but the blond stepped back.

- No, you don't get it! We... I... We can't be together anymore! Just get out of here, get out of my life. - Even though it hurts like hell to Luke to say this, he knows it has to be done. For a brief moment Michael was speechless. The last words said by the blond were running in his mind and he was trying to give them some meaning, but he couldn't seem to find it.

While Michael was trying to figure out the meaning of Luke's words, the blue-eyed was almost getting inside his house again, but Michael ran towards him and grabbed his arm preventing him from opening the door.

- I have no fucking idea why you said that but I know you didn't mean it! I know you very damn well, Luke, so stop pretending you don't have feelings! - Michael was irritated and Luke was stuck between the door and Michael's body.

The tension between the two boys started to raise. Suddenly, that cold night was getting hotter by the second. It was completely silent around them. The only sound that could be heard was their breaths  getting faster and heavier.

Michael moved one of his hands to Luke's waist and approached him to his body. His other hand made its way to Luke's neck and caressed it.

The blond boy was getting chills all over his spine by the direct contact of Michael's hands on his body.

Immediately, Luke wrapped Michael's neck with his skinny hands.

The two guys were inches apart and it seemed like the world was only them two.

- Fuck it, Luke. I... - Michael starts talking but it's interrupted by Luke.

- Please, Michael, shut the hell up for once.

Michael smirked and quickly held Luke even more close to him kissing him.

Their lips were shy in the beginning but Luke wasn't satisfied with the small connection so he tried to deepen the kiss and the both tongues danced with each other as if they were meant to be.

Their hands were steady, holding each other tightly, like they were preventing one another from escaping.

Every cell of their bodies was completely electrified. They were into that kiss so deeply and so passionately that time seemed to stop.

When the both of them were out of breath, they slowly separated their lips and looked at each other without saying a word.

Luke was observing every little detail of the boy in front of him. Michael's lips were swollen and wet, his hair was messed up because of his hands running through it, his eyes were bigger and darker, full of desire. Michael was looking savage, and Luke was attracted to him.

Michael was also contemplating Luke's features. The blond boy was breathless, his eyes weren't blue anymore, they were totally dark, his once thin lips were now swollen and reddish, his usual innocent face was now twisted and desiring for more.

Suddenly, Luke looked down and Michael lift his chin and saw little tears forming in those beautiful ocean eyes.

Michael didn't say anything and just pulled Luke in for a hug. The blond boy fit perfectly in Michael's arms.

That hug meant more than just a hug. Luke felt safe in it, he felt as no one could ever hurt him anymore. And Michael felt like he needed to keep Luke safe from everyone.

- Let's get out of here. - Michael whispered at Luke's hear and he nodded still with his head on Michael's shoulder.

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