Chapter 2 - A New Friend?

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Chapter 2 - A New Friend?

Izuku's POV

We were on our way to the cinema.

There are so many questions I want to ask her..why did she join the League of Villains? How is the life of a villain? How was her life before she became one? But I don't think villainy is a good conversation topic...

Izuku: "H-hey Toga?"

Toga: "Yeah? Just call me Himiko."

Izuku: "Uh... Himiko, want to tell m-me a bit about yourself?"

Himiko: "Sure."

She told me that she is into kawaii, painting, drawing, art in general, loves being at the beach, practiced Iaido (Japanese martial art) a bit before she joined the villains, doesn't like the modern hero system like Stain and loves blood. (Nothing unusual) She also joined the villains because it was the only place where she would get fully accepted by people (except Shigaraki), wanted to step in Stain's footprints and thought the league would also follow his ideology, however that wasn't the case.

I also told her a bit about myself. I said that I am a big fan of All Might, want to be the next number one hero, love Katsudon and was once quirkless.

"You were quirkless? How did you get a quirk?" she asked. However she had a different smile this time...she looked like she could burst out laughing in any moment.

Shit, I shouldn't have mentioned my quirk.

"W-well there is a quirk that can be t-transferred from one p-person to another..." I responded and hoped we would switch the topic.

Then we arrived at the cinema.

Izuku: "Well, h-here we are. What m-movie do you want to watch?"

Himiko: "Oh! Oh! I want that one!"

*Himiko pointed towards a romance movie*

Himiko: "I heard that this one is very good!"

Izuku: "W-what? You like romance?"

Himiko: "Yessssss! It's my favorite genre after horror! ...You don't?"

Izuku: "No, no. It's okay."

3rd person POV

Midorya then went to buy the tickets and noticed the seller had a strange appearance. His skin had some purple parts on his body (maybe burn marks) that covered much of his lower face, neck, arms and below his eyes. It looked like they were attached to the skin with staples. Midorya could swear he has seen him before, but decided to get rid of the thought.

Midorya: "Hi. I'd like to buy two tickets please."

*Midorya handed over the money*

"Two tickets for the young couple?", the seller asked with a grin.

Midorya: "No-no no we're just-"

Mysterious seller: "-You know what? You two get the tickets for free."

Midorya: "What...? Really?"

Mysterious seller: "Yeah. Just get in before anyone notices."

Midorya: "Wow thank-"

Mysterious seller: "-NEXT!"

Midorya was a bit confused and turned around to glance at Toga.
She was just smiling and holding thumbs up.
Then they entered and watched the romance movie. 

Midorya: "Wow, that was a lot better than I expected!"

Toga: "See? Told ya!"

Midorya: "That was fun (not what I expected) but it's pretty late, so I will be heading home."

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