‘Ron...’ Hermione entered the room. Her eyes scanned the scene nervously and a little scared. She glanced at a smiling Fred and his hand on Ron’s back and then she noticed Ron coughing and leaning over the chair as though he was going to be sick. Ron’s coughing eased as he heard Hermione’s sound and he turned around to look at her, ‘what... what’s going on?’

‘Just having a little fun, Hermione,’ Fred laughed and held up the alcohol. Hermione was wearing what looked like it was supposed to be a baggy shirt but it was tight at her stomach area. It came down to her mid thighs and Fred suddenly felt like he had to turn Ron around just so he wouldn’t look at Hermione’s bare legs. He glanced at his little brother and, of course, he was staring at her like she was a three headed puppy.

‘It’s really late in the day and I heard coughing so I woke up,’ Hermione explained and crossed her arms over her chest. Fred wished he wouldn’t do that and glanced uneasily at Ron and then back at Hermione. She glanced at both of them irritably, ‘don’t you have work to get to rather than drinking just after you’ve woke up?’

‘It’s Sunday,’ Fred sighed and started to move around the kitchen. He put the glasses away after washing them and put the bottle away too. Hermione then asked him if she could speak with him alone.

Fred nodded and he turned halfway to look at Ron before thinking it was a bad idea. He didn't want to see the jealous look on his face that he knew must be plastered there. Fred walked out of the kitchen behind Hermione but she kept on going until she got to the room. She let Fred in and then shut the door behind her softly as though she was trying not to make a noise. Hermione turned with a smile on her face and Fred had no choice but to smile back.

‘I’m glad to see you being nice to your brother,’ Hermione muttered as Fred sank his hands into his pyjama pockets. Hermione cupped his waist and he smiled largely, ‘did he ask about us?’

Is  there an us?’ asked Fred curiously. Hermione blushed a little and shrugged her shoulders. Fred had no idea if their relationship would work out or not but he guessed it was time to take a chance... either that or be lonely for the rest of his life. He chose the former and sighed, ‘Ron did come here this morning in a bad mood, moaning about... you know... us. I tried to calm him down and the only way I could think of to do that was to drink with him. He forgot about it for a while but you walked in... just let me talk to him.’

‘Fred, I know you’ll start fighting with him if you even try to explain what we have. You know he won’t understand. Let me talk to him... alone,’ Hermione stated and Fred moved away from her, turning his back to her. She watched him, knowing what his response was going to be but Fred said nothing. She wondered if she should try to convince him but Fred turned around and shook his head.

‘No, Hermione. I’ve got this. Just go home, have a shower and get changed, okay?’ Fred asked but he didn't wait for a response. Fred left the room, hoping Hermione wouldn’t follow him, he got to the kitchen. Ron was still standing where they had left him and he glanced up as Fred came in, ‘another shot?’

‘What are we doing, Fred? I came here to talk to you, to knock some sense into you, not drink,’ Ron muttered angrily, ‘you’re doing it again. You’re ripping her from me again and I won’t watch her get hurt because you were careless enough to do business with Malfoy.’

‘Forget Malfoy. Forget all the mistakes I made, alright?’ Fred said, a little angrily himself. He had made a lot of stupid mistakes in his life. No doubt they were dumb but he was still here and Hermione still wanted him, alive or broken either way she would accept him and he knew that, ‘I have made a lot of mistakes but I still love her and you know I would give my life for her if it came to that.’

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