Where we stand - Ch. 1

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The rabbit only twitched twice before turning still, blood pumping out from its side which the arrow had penetrated.

Eliza crawled forth, bow already tossed to the ground and knife in hand. With a low stance and head down she hurried over to the rabbit, removed the arrow and tossed the limp body over her shoulder. The fur was wet from the morning dew.

Not far away from the meadow, her pony stomped eagerly, ready to go on.

''I'm on my way, girl,'' Eliza mumbled and quickly strung the rabbit's feet to the saddle. She swung her leg over the pony and turned her towards the road. With worried eyes she threw a quick glance at the meadow, quietly wondering how all the forest creatures could have vanished. Yes, it had been a draught not long ago, but the last few days that Eliza had hunted she had barely caught anything else than rabbits. It stilled her and her family's hunger for now, but with another one on the way it wouldn't take long before she had to go after bigger prey.

''Let's go, Callista.''

The pony, almost too small for her by now, happily trotted out on the main road and out of the forest.

The familiar sounds of metal against metal caught Eliza's attention as soon as she had closed the gates behind her and Callista. The sand whirled around her feet and around the pony's hooves. She looked around.

As usual, their maid Bodil was out on the verandah, hanging clothes and beating them free from the sandy air as best she could. The few sheep and cows they had were laying down in their pasture, throwing lazy glances at Eliza and Callista as they walked by. Eliza called out for them and made sure they still had plenty of water. The summer sun was unforgiving, even if it was morning.

''Move your feet, parry from your left.''

Eliza led the horse to the little paddock opposite of the cattle's and let go of the reins. She leaned towards the fence, put her hands under her chin and watched the scene unfold in front of her. It was quite comical, and perhaps a bit absurd.

Her little sister Melanie, legs apart and slightly crouched, was holding a sword almost bigger than herself. Her long brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, sweat pearls glistened in the sunlight. Her yellowed dress and apron were brown from sand and mud.

Their father, however, looked as cool as ever. His gaze was fixated on his daughter, giving her his full attention. With his sword resting in his right hand, he fixed the little one's stance with his left.

''Watch my movement, try to see what my next step will be.''

Eliza shook her head at her father's words. She too had begun training with swords, daggers, spears and bows before the age of ten, though in her opinion she felt it was still to early for nine year old Melanie. Watching her sister struggle with the weight of the sword made her heart clench.

She looked at her father. He was incredibly patient, a small smile on his lips as he watched his daughter. He was still proud, no matter what.

''Let's try again,'' he said and went back to his position. The leather strained around his arms when he lifted his sword.

''How does he survive like that?'' Eliza mumbled to the pony. Her father was still fit and clad in black and brown leather, both trousers and shirt alike. His black hair had grown out a bit over the summer, however his face was clean shaven. How he didn't die from the heat in all that black leather, she didn't know.

He swung his sword at Melanie, fast enough for her to be able to react. She pulled her own sword up above her head to parry, arm shaking from the weight but stubbornly resisting the urge to fall. She pulled back her sword and lunged for her father's kneecap. He parried.

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