The One and Only Dan Howell

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I was upset. No, more than that. Frustrated, rage, hatred. Most importantly, I was heartbroken. My boyfriend, of 3 years, decided to cheat on me. With my best friend. My BEST friend! The girl I told ALL my secrets, asked for advice, shared some of the best memories with. Two of the most important people in my life betrayed me.

What was I suppose to do? I was living with my boyfriend, Brian, but I couldn't go back there now. Too many good memories that no longer existed. Before I moved in with Brian, I lived with Clare, my best friend. We moved here, together from America. We were so awed and shocked to be alone, in a different city, a different country!

I ran back to Brain's place. I really didn't have a choice. I grabbed a luggage and packed all my stuff. I needed to get out. I needed to restart my life. I had to start over. I ran out into the pouring rain. "Stupid weather." I muttered to myself. Not really knowing where I was going or what I was doing, I found myself checked into the nearest hotel. I made a reservation and walked into my room on the 13th floor. London was beautiful but I needed to get my mind off of things.

I walked into the hotel bathroom, which were always too fancy, and looked at myself in the mirror. My sapphire blue eyeliner streaked my cheeks. My extremely curly, shoulder length hair was puffing out to become an afro. My eyes were red from crying and I had become pale from the rain chilling me to the bone. I literally looked like some zombie monster from the latest horror movie. No wonder the man at the desk was giving me weird looks. I decided to take a steaming hot shower and let myself think. The hot water made my shiver as I felt the cold leave my body. My hair deflated and stretched so it was now wavy and almost at my breasts. I showered and soon felt the water beginning to burn my skin. I got out and decided I was going out, I was going to treat myself.

I dried off and looked through the luggage I quickly packed. There wasn't much that could work for a night at the clubs. I decided on a tight, sweetheart neckline sapphire dress that I bought myself a few months ago. I loved the way it hugged my body and accentuated my hour-glass figure. I brushed out my hair and left it down. There wasn't much I could do with it. I redid my makeup, applying mascara and eyeliner. My cheeks were naturally red, along with my lips.


I was drunk. As drunk as I have EVER been. I drank, but not regularly. The music thumped in my head and I swayed along to the beat. The club was packed. It was a sea of bodies swaying and moving to the beat of the changing music forming a giant monster. The little lighting made everyone identical..or maybe that was the alcohol. I took a sit at the bar to order another drink, my back against the crowd.

"Well heeelllo there" I heard a husky man's voice behind me. I honestly thought it was going to be some older man looking for some young thing to sleep with him tonight. To my mistake, I turned to find a handsome young man. He was tall and and skinny. The darkness of the club keep his features from me, but I could tell he was handsome. I could tell he was drunk, just by his stance and the smell of alcohol on his breath.

"Heeey" I managed to say, taking my mind and eyes off of him. What was I doing? I was just cheated on, and I'm already looking for someone new? Did that make me a slut?

"What's a pretty girl like you sitting all by yourself?" he slurred. Yup, he was drunk. Or was he? It was hard to tell, he didn't slur again and was he flirting with me? Something, way back in my head, recognized the voice, the figure, but I couldn't place it.

"I...umm..I...I'm not sure." I didn't know what to say. Part of me was still trying to place the voice, another was trying to make sense of what was going on. Was he flirting with me? Did I really want to do this?

He chuckled and grabbed my hand. His hand was warm and soft, compare to mine, which was cold, despite being drunk. He took me to the dance floor and started dancing. He wasn't very graceful or fluid in his movements but his excitement and energy made me start dancing too. I closed my eyes and let the music flow through me dancing however I felt. I felt a hard shove and I opened my eyes just in time to see the young man's chest as i crashed into him.

"Well, aren't we a bit forward." I looked up in time to see him wink down at me. My heart melted with that wink. His face had been lit with one of the light of the club and enabled me to see the rich chocolate color of his eyes. He held me closer as we swayed to the dance music. It didn't bother me that it wasn't a slow song, or the fact I hardly knew this stranger, all that matter was the fact that I was wanted and felt like i had a place.

Who knows how long we stood there but eventually he grabbed me by the hand again and led outside. "Love, what is you're name? I just spend a lovely time with you and I don't even know your name."

I could feel the blood rushing into my face and I stared into his chocolate eyes, which contained only comfort and an eagerness. "I'm Annamarie. Marie for short, and you?" I smiled. His eyes kept me there with him.

"That is a beautiful name, Annamarie, and quite unique. I like it very much. I'm Daniel, Dan for short." and gave me another wink. I think i almost fainted and blushed even redder than before. Thankfully it was night and he hopefully couldn't see it. I shivered as heat from my blush and the the packed bodies form the club left my own replaced by the licking tongues of the chilly air.

He continued to look at me, studying my face as best as he could in this lighting. He put his hands around me, embracing me in a warm, but comfortable hug, to offer me some warmth. I gladly accepted and hugged him back. I put my head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. My heart was beating much faster, because of the drinks and being around a Dan. I tried to stead my heartbeat with his, breathing at the same time as him. I looked up and realized he was already staring down at me. He began to lean down even more, and put his hand on the side of my face.

Before I knew it, his warm soft lips were on mine. I could feel the sparks explode and realize there was something between us. I kissed him back, making the kiss rough, but playful..My head started spinning as I opened my eyes, not only from the lack of oxygen, but Ihad finally placed him. Dan Howell, the YouTuber, Danisnotonfire, my favorite YouTuber.

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