The Past Scars Many

493 11 6

"normal speech" ' 'thoughts' 'mind speak'

A/N the picture at the top is not mine, but I think it sums up the title of this chapter really well. Picture belongs to Stjepan Sejic on Reddit.

Regina's POV

"Mal what is Emma talking about, you never had any children?" I looked at the two in front of me as they cried and held each other, Emma was slightly looking at me over Mal's shoulder. Her eyes were conveying so many emotions to me as she held Mal, 'how did they get this close so quickly?'

The two of them just held the other as the atmosphere calmed around the garden, the only noises were those of the wind and the quiet sniffles of the woman in front of me. Deciding to help, I kneel next to both of them and pull them into my arms, only now taking notice of Emma's very large wings as they wrapped around all of use.

Just sitting in their embrace and looking at both of the women I could clearly see some similarity between them, but too many for them not to be related. At this I sit back in the embrace with a look of wonder surely on my face "she's your actual daughter.... but how? Mal how did this happen?"

Mal let out a small watery laugh as she sat back to wipe the tears from her eyes "I'm not surprised by your confusion Regina; you never did get to meet my wife. She was taken from me just weeks before you took the curse from me." I was honesty left shocked at this new development, but it just leaves me with more questions than answers 'that sneaky dragon.'

After seeing the confusion on my face Mal pulled me towards herself and Emma, who proceeded to wrap her wings around us. Mal held my hands as she says "Regina darling don't think too much on it, the simple version is that I was only weeks pregnant when you took the curse. I was tired and weaker than I normally would be and it now clear to my knowledge that I was carrying a large litter of eggs."

No one's POV

Regina turned to Maleficent with a look of horror now across her face "you were pregnant, and I practically threw you off to the side like you were nothing, Mal I'm so so sorry." Tears began to make their way down Regina's cheeks as she brought Mal into an almost crushing hug, the shaking from Regina's shoulders becoming more prominent the longer they held each other.

Mal had never seen Regina break this badly before and she so dearly wanted to help her dear friend and so she let her instincts take over, pulling Regina into her lap Mal began rocking them slowly and running her hand through Regina's hair to help her calm down. It seems that her maternal instincts were still very strong making it easy to comfort others.

Emma sat back and watched this display with a warm feeling in her chest, seeing her mother comfort Regina like this just seemed so normal to the point Emma, herself, was struggling to not interrupt the moment the two dear friends were having. Mal seemed to sense was Emma was feeling and held her arm out for her daughter to join the ever-growing cuddle pile, to which Emma curls into the side of her mother while putting a wing around Regina hopefully providing more comfort.

After a while Regina had calmed down only sniffling here and there as she curled into her friend's lap, every now and then she would look up and give Emma a small smile before she closed her eyes again. It was Regina that broke the silence as she had been thinking about the stuff Mal had said to her "Mal when you said you had a large litter, you never said how many you actually had."

Without speaking Mal moved the hair away from the right side of her neck where they found a crescent moon going to the back of her neck, next she revealed the sun and star on each wrist. "To a dragon these marks link the parents to their children and since I have 3 marks, I have 3 babies out there." She stopped to look down at Emma in her arms, showing the sun mark on Emma's left wrist, "and I've already found one of them." She has the biggest smile on her face that Regina had never seen her so happy before.

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