Starting Over

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Della's POV

I tried to ignore the look on Evan's face as we went through my physical therapy routine. I could tell he wanted to ask about my date with Dylan, I was just waiting for him to actually ask me.

"I give up," he sighed, putting his clipboard down. He folded his arms across his chest, sending me a knowing look.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?" I asked just to mess with him.

He sent me an unamused look, slightly shaking his head. "Come on, kid. Spill it. Now."

"Okay, sorry." I laughed. "It was actually pretty nice." I could feel my cheeks burning as Evan smirked at me.

"He behaved himself, right?"

"Yes," I sighed. "He was a perfect gentleman."

"Really? A perfect gentleman?" He joked. "We're both still talking about Dylan, right? Dylan O'Brien?"

I sent him a playful smirk, but it broke when I laughed. I bit my lip, looking away from him.

"Hey," Evan said softly. I looked up when I felt him gently grab my shoulders. "I think he's good for you."


He laughed as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Really," he whispered.

After my session with Evan, I waited for him. "What are you still doing here?" He asked when he saw me standing in the doorway.

"Waiting for you to walk me back," I said slowly. "I'm on watch remember?"

"Oh," he laughed. "I forgot to tell you; you aren't on suicide watch anymore. I got you taken off it."

"How?" I laughed.

"Well," he cleared his throat, sending me a knowing look. "I noticed that you were smiling more, so I figured you'd be okay."

I shook my head, laughing slightly. "Okay then," I said teasingly. I sent him a playful salute before turning on my heel and leaving the room.

"Della, wait!"

I turned back around to see him in the doorway. "I have a surprise for you."

"That's never a good thing coming from you, Evan," I smirked.

"Just get back here and we'll talk about it," he sighed, slightly laughing. I laughed as I walked back into the PT room, following him to his office.

"So," he said as he sat down. "I've been talking to Dylan and since you're no longer on suicide watch, I got you a free day."

The last two words echoed in my head. A free day is very rare around here. It's a day where the patient is allowed to leave the center with a family member.

"How did you. . ." I stuttered, still not able to wrap my head around what he was telling me.

"Before you worry about the family rule, I talked to your parents and they are letting Jack and Jason go with you and Dylan."

"Hang on," I cut him off. "I was just taken off suicide watch and the center is letting me leave for the whole day?"

"Well, technically it's more like an afternoon. Dylan is going to come pick you up around one. He's going to take you to lunch and some other places. I don't know where. He wouldn't tell me."

I opened and closed my mouth, still shocked. "Is this. . . How. . . When?"

Evan smiled at my response. "Della," he said gently. "I got the other doctors to agree that some fresh air, away from the center, is good for you. They know your family and they trust your brothers. The only part that was hard to convince them of was putting you in the responsibility and hands of Dylan O'Brien, especially after they found out the truth."

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