-I can explain-

I fight with myself to want to hear what she has to say, I mean she did lie about who she is... what else has she lied about? I look through messages from the AVs as I walk out of the elevator and toward my car, really unsure if I should tell them what's going on

-Soooo ... how are you and Emmie?- Adrianne asks in the group chat

-Great! We've just been chilling lately- Leslie responded back

-More details! It's been two days since your date!- Aria

-I mean, nothing much has changed at work but we talk a lot more on the phone and text a lot more outside of work- Leslie sends a shrug emoji

-Oooh! I smell a romance!- Adrianne

-Oh goodness!- Leslie sends the hand on forehead emoji

I get into my car and lock my doors, before starting my car and turning on music. Jessie Reyez "Shutter Island" turns on as I pull out of my parking space

"My straight jackets custom made though!" Jessie sings out

My phone begins to ring and I almost hit the ignore button when I see the name on the ID


To pick up the phone or to not? That is the question

"Hello?" Guess that solves that...

"Queen! I am so sorry!" Lana half pleads "Don't be mad but I had to make sure I could trust you guys with not turning my return into publicity!"

"Publicity? Damn, didn't realize we were a photo op for you" I roll my eyes, knowing I'm being completely unreasonable, but I want to be so petty at the same time

"Queen, don't be like that" Lana sighs, "I just wanted to enjoy friends that don't know who my dad is and how much money he has"

"Well seeing as I'm one of thousands of employees that are on his pay roll, I don't understand how I'm not someone you would trust with your identity"

"I knew you would find out eventually, I just wanted it to be from me and not a surprise to you"

"So you pull up while I'm working and expect me not to be there?"

"I kind of thought I could sneak past you if you were in the bathroom and wait it out" Lana half jokes

"Interesting" I try not to smirk "So what about you is real?"

"Everything but my name, I mean I didn't give much information and you really didn't ask about much otherwise"

"I mean, I'm not one to dig too deep"

"So have you decided if you're going to be mad at me or not?"

"Give me time to think about it" I pull up to my apartment and turn my car off, "Just don't get me fired off my decision"

"I don't think I have that kind of power" Lana sounds serious

I walk into the restaurant my friends set for my date, and I feel super nervous. I decided on high-rise black and white plaid pants, a black lace crop top camisole, and black Toms. I'm proud of myself for trying, honestly, because I seriously didn't want to. I check the text for the clue marker again

-look for a red rose- Adrianne

That's all? That shouldn't be too hard... except this restaurant is hostess seating only! I don't want to walk around not knowing where she's at!

"Excuse me, ma'am? Are you waiting on someone?" The hostess asks me, looking me up and down

"I'm actually here to meet someone? I was told to look for a red rose?" I try not to say it too loudly

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now