Chapter I: Kill the assassins

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Sweet another keyblade! Anyway back at the task at hand.


Y/N: And that's what happened.

Tatsumi didn't say anything but his expression screamed "OMG" which made me laugh a bit. After awhile we made to her and she showed me the room I'll sleep in as I laid down for a nap.

After awhile I woked up and saw it was nighttime and that meant it was time to get out. As I exited my room I saw Tatsumi running in my direction with an worried expression.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Tatsumi: Night raid is here and Aria is in danger and we need to help her.

Y/N: We? Oh do I have to?

Tatsumi: How could you be so calm about being attacked by assassins and how could you say such a thing?

Y/N: ( Groans) Fine I'll help but she owes me.

After running we found Aria with a guard which as with her I senced some type of darkness from him.

Aria: Y/N, Tatsumi!

Guard: Good just in time I'll hide the lady inside try to stall the enemy for awhile.

Tatsumi: Wait you expect us to.

Before he could finsh a girl with Murasame wearing black and with red usually assassin wear but for some reason I didn't feel any darkness from her but sometype of light a little taunted but it was still light like the light in Tatsumi's heart.

Tatsumi: I guess theres no time for complaining!

???Red: Not targets.

She jumps off his head and as she charged but instead of letting her jumping on my head I stepped a side and let her run pass me.

???Red: You are.

The guard started to shot her but she was able to dodge all of the shots and killed the Gurad as Aria she walked in front with Murasame in hand.

???Red: You deserve this.


Tatsumi try to attack but she dodged and started at him.

???Red: I told you are not a target you and your friend don't need to die.

Tatsumi: Well we can't let you kill an innocent little girl.

Y/N: I would.

Tatsumi: Not funny!

???Red: So you are not moving are you.

Y/N: I'll move but he won't.

Tatsumi: He's right!

???Red: Then you made your choice.

She then charged at Tatsumi and both started to sword fight but jumped above him kicked him the back casui g him to stumble over and she was able to get him were his heart would be but luckily he didn't bleed so I wasn't worried.

Tatsumi: Why did you back off?

???Red: Because it felt like I hit sometype of armor.

He then pulls a it wooden nome little trinket.

Tatsumi: I guess the villagers were watching me the hole time.

???Red: She has to die.

Tatsumi: Wait you just wanted to take this girls money theres no need to kill innocent people please.

Akame Ga Hearts ( Akame ga kill x Male keyblade user reader )Where stories live. Discover now