"Maybe he didn't involve her. And even if he did, how could they have known she would hide out here?" I didn't want my hope to go to waste. "We better hurry before we lose her again."

Using a quick spell, Cedric cleaned up the mess we had made in the basement and we grabbed are things running for the door. We were far from where the house was so we purchased two bikes and rode out to where the beach was.

A slight rain was beginning to fall from the dark clouds that formed up above. We peddled fiercely until we could see the house ominously silhouetted against the sky. The winds picked up and soon we had reached the steps. Together we ran towards the door and knocked while we prayed she would answer.

We saw someone look through the peep hole and then the door creak open to reveal a woman around McGonagall's age only shorter and stout in shape. Her hair was bundled in a bun on her head and she wore a floral cotton dress that was covered by a pink cardigan. She frowned when she took in our crazed state.

"Children! You must be soaked through!" She brought her hands up to her mouth. "Come. Come inside."

I found it odd that she trusted us so quickly. Then again, Cedric and I didn't exactly look like Death Eaters. She ushered us in and sat us on her floral couch before grabbing us towels from the linen closet.

"What are you darlings doing way out here in this storm?"

Cedric and I exchanged a glance before I spoke. "We're looking for someone. Are you Georgina Young?"

"Yes." Her eyes began to shift around the house and that's when I noticed the boards on all the windows. It appeared ever crevice was covered to prevent anyone from seeing inside. That's when I remembered the way the house had looked when we approached. It had seemed that no one had lived there in ages.

I thought it best to start with what I thought would comfort her. "My name is Hermione Granger and this is Cedric Diggory."

"Diggory..." She mulled the name over in her head before realization struck her. "You're the tri-wizard champion."

"Yes, ma'am. Along with Harry Potter."

Her face fell at the mention of Harry's name. "You're both aware that my name is no longer Young, aren't you?"

"Yes." I answered.

She nodded. "Let me get you both a change of clothes. I should have an outfit to fit you, Miss Granger, and my late husband's things are still lying around. We'll have some tea and you can tell me about how you found me and why you're here."

Her voice had taken on a no-nonsense tone and I knew better than to argue with her. I became instantly aware that though Georgina may have seemed weak and fragile she was a well-equipped witch who could be capable of anything. She handed me some sweats that belonged to her daughter and gave Cedric a flannel shirt and some jeans. We changed and she had coffee waiting for us in the kitchen. The three of us sat in comfortable silence before Georgina spoke.

"I suggest you start with what you want from me."

Her wand was on the table within her grasp and I felt my nerves get the best of me. She could do anything to us. I was only a 6-year and though Cedric had graduated I was certain he didn't know everything. He hadn't been on the run from Death Eaters all his life.

I started telling her of the battle at the Department of Mysteries and how Harry's godfather fell into the veil. Paying particular attention to Harry's anguish I explained how Dumbledore had given us the address to the cottage and her biography. Cedric then stepped in to tell her of how we came across the Death Eaters and how when hiding out in the floorboard that he had found, I found her hidden message.

Just Like Magic (Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger Fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now