chapter 9 "haunted house talk"

Start from the beginning

"Thanks now lets go"

Rose's P.O.V

As i pulled up to Jays house I noticed Adiens black truck sitting beside my best friends white truck and behind the camaro. I got out of my truck and knocked on the door. It opened but i didnt see anyone. I felt something wrap around my legs I looked down to see Jay's little sister Lily

"Hi Rose" she looked up at me

"Hi Lily" i reached down and picked her up "wheres your sister"

"In there" she pointed to a brown door that was slightly open

"The basement?" I looked at Lily before stepping inside and shutting the door behind me

"Yea oh and some cute boys are here too" she bounced in my arms

"Adien, Ryder and Drake?" I laughed at her response

"Yea I think that's their names" i sat her back on the ground letting her run over to the door "sissy Rose is here!" She yelled down

"Ok" Jay yelled back up. I heard something hit the ground

"Ow fuck" i heard a boy yell I think that was Ryder then i heard laughing

"God damn you Jay" i heard Adien yell nope it was Adien

"Whats going on" i walked down the stairs with Lily behind me to see Adien laying out on the floor upside down with his legs over his face

"Dont ask" he stated with his face as red as a tomato. I started laughing at him and I noticed Jay was smiling. Adien rolled over and grabbed Jay's leg pulling her down from where she was standing

"What the fuck" she landed on top of Adien "oof"

"Damn how much do you weigh" he grunted

"Oh come on im not that fat" he smirked wrapping his arms around her to where she could not move

"Adien you better let me up" Jay tried to get up but no progress was made


"Asshole" she looked away then back smirking at him moving one of her legs in between his legs

"Dude i can see what shes going to do so you better let her up" Drake warned

"I'd listen to Drake if i was you"


"Look where my leg is at" i watched Adien look around Jay and at her leg. He let go as soon as he seen where her leg was letting her get up and sit on her legs beside him with her black hair in her face

"This is going to be one hell of a night I can tell"

"Isnt it always a fun night here at my house Rose?" Jay pushed one side of her hair out of her face

"Yea but now the boys are here and who knows what funny stuff they do" i shrugged my shoulders Adien started laughing we all looked at him

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