chapter one

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Ariels pov

Heavy hearted about losing my so called 'love' and watching him cast me off and proclaim his love for another I dive into the water, my utter sadness soon morphing into burning rage and hatred for life and death alike.

Swimming faster than previously thought possible, my speed fueled by anger I swim toward the mer city, though I decide on a quick change of plans and change my course to Ursula's lair, deciding to thank her for opening my eyes to the ways of the world.

"Ursula, yoo hoo, anybody home?" I say loudly, banging on the side of the cave entrance to announce my presence.

"Who dares to wake me from my beauty sleep?!" Ursula roars storming to the door, if it counts as one. 

"Well I have come to thank you, dear Ursula" I say unfazed by her raised voice. Seeing me, her  I continue. "You were right, I really was a 'poor unfortunate soul', but not anymore, I am no longer blinded by my old naive nature".

"So, I assume that the deal didn't work, judging by the fact that you are here and not with Princey dearest. But what I cannot fathom is what caused the abrupt change of personality, and why that would bring you to me."

"Oh, the reason is quite simple really, your plan worked wonderfully in your favor, just in a rather unexpected way" I pause to breathe "when Prince Eric rejected me, cast me aside, threw me away like trash, however you want to say it, instead of wallowing in my misery I welcomed it and came to the conclusion that true love is just like the tooth fairy, a lie. So here I am, asking you to accept me as your apprentice of dark magic".

"Oh so you've come to learn some dark magic eh?" Ursula asks with a grin, to which I nod my confirmation.

"Well, if your going to be my apprentice in learning dark magic, you'll need a makeover" she says circling me before continuing "this" she gestures to my shells. "Will not do".

"Well I suppose it's a good thing I wanted one anyways" I say with a small shrug." though I suggest we wait until after I steal my father's trident and crown, unless you have an appearance changing spell" I say, slyly making the suggestion.

"I think I might just like this new you" Ursula says with another grin. "So what kind of changes were you thinking?".

"Well I was thinking of a few black streaks in the front of my hair, ear and tail piercings, and maybe dye my tail" I say listing the changes.

"The makeovers no problem, appearance transfiguration is one of the spells I've mastered, now let's begin with the hair" she says guiding me inside.

Once inside Ursula yanks me by the hair into a chair and starts on the hair dye

After the hair dye cause I'm lazy and dyeing hair is boring

"There you go sweet cakes" Ursula says when she's finished, handing me a mirror and deciding to call me sarcastic pet names.

"I think it suits the new me" I say as I admire the few dyed strands.

"So what tail color do you want pumpkin?" She asks pulling out some dyes.

"Well I was thinking of like a blood red edging on maroon color, with silver fins."

"Ooh I've got an emo little twerp" Ursula jokes as she grabs the dye".

Yet another time skip

"Now that that's done, how many piercings would you like?" Ursula says after she's done with my scales and fins.

"I would like five on each ear, three in the cartilage and two in the lobe" I say as she grabs a homemade piercing needle, a cork, and a few fish hooks along with some studs. "Along with three in my right tail fin".

"Here we go darling" she says with her usual sass and sarcasm as she places the cork behind my ear lobe, then without hesitation she stabs through my ear with the needle and into the cork. Moving quickly she removed the cork and took out the needle quickly replacing it with a fish hook.

Unprepared I let out a small yelp of pain, to which she chuckled loudly. Prepared for the pain all I did was flinch slightly at the pain.

About twenty minutes later she was done, and I swear the water almost had a red tint from all the blood.

"So, punk enough for ya? Or do you need more?" She says handing me the mirror again.

"Nah, I think I lost enough blood" I say handing back the mirror. "So know any places that sells anything other than pretty princess clothes?".

"Yes I know just the place, but first, you mentioned getting ahold of your father's trident and crown, did you not?."

"Yes I did say such things."

"Are you aware that by doing so you will be directly betraying him and there will be no turning back?."

"I am fully aware, and whatever comes his way he completely deserves" I say coldly. "It's a little too late to turn back anyway, don'tcha think?" I add with a smirk.

"Atta girl" she smirks "are you ready for me to start the spell?".

"Mhm" I say with a nod.

"Travhf jvgubhg rqhpngvba vf yvxr fvyire va gur zvar! Travhf jvgubhg rqhpngvba vf yvxr fvyire va gur zvar! TRAVHF JVGUBHG RQHPNGVBA VF YVXR FVYIRE VA GUR ZVAR!!" She chanted. The green magic surrounding me completely before vanishing, revealing that the spell worked quite well and I now look exactly like I did only a few days ago. "When you want it undon just say something like "true form, reveal yourself".

"Now, how exactly are you going to pull this off sweat pea?" Ursula asks giving me yet another sarcastic pet name.

AN: the picture is what she looks like. Also the chant is in code if you want to decipher it

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