Chapter II: Warmth

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"You know what? Ever since I was a child I've never been sick, maybe because growing on the street made me more immune to my surroundings. But as I am now, I feel like that's not the case," Xue Yang chuckled hoarsely and a cough then soon followed making Xiao Xingchen frown a bit.

"I told you not to overdo things and rest, you've been accompanying me during my night-hunts which shouldn't even bother you considering that I am the only one who wants to do it," Xiao Xingchen remarked, feeling guilty.

Xue Yang grinned cheekily, "Daozhang, you're too rough on yourself, besides I volunteered to help, it's not like I'm forced to." And besides I have other plans too. He smirked inwardly.

Xiao Xingchen did not reply and the room became silent, Xue Yang did not even bother to speak anymore considering that he felt too tired and dizzy.

With half-lidded eyes he forced to remain awake as he stared at Xiao Xingchen silently squeezing a wet towel onto a basin full of water. Xiao Xingchen felt for Xue Yang's forehead and carefully placed the towel on top of it. Xue Yang flinched at the contact of a wet towel making him shiver. But he felt that his head is cooling off and at this Xue Yang can't help but close his eyes and sighed.

"Dao...zhang...?" He called out.

"Mn?" Xiao Xingchen hummed, inquiring for Xue Yang to continue.

"I'm cold," Xue Yang briefly answered, "The covers aren't enough, it's too thin and I still felt cold," and still managed to continue.

"What do you want me to do then?" Xiao Xingchen asked, seemingly pondering over what to do.

Xue Yang tried to laugh but failed miserably, "You know... like...maybe get me a few more straws then pile it on me, maybe that'll increase... the heat more," he stated in between coughs. He groaned feeling the soarness of his throat, realizing speaking too much has its own strain.

Xiao Xingchen stood up and made his way out.

Xue Yang did not hear any reply coming from Xiao Xingchen which he assumed went out to gather some more straws.

Xue Yang remained not moving as he already found his comfortable place, he breathes slowly but instantly became alert when he suddenly heard footsteps approached.

Soft footsteps approaching.

At this, Xue Yang calmed down and continue to close his eyes, and listened to the moving sounds that Xiao Xingchen makes.

"My apologies, I haven't found any straws, I don't think this would be enough even..." Xiao Xingchen stated, he sounds apologetic that Xue Yang can't help but frowned.

Xue Yang, "Nah, it's fine. If there really isn't any, then let it be..."

Xue Yang didn't hear any reply but instead heard shifting movements coming from his side. He did not know what it is, but he's sure it's just Xiao Xingchen.

After a few moments he heard crunching noises coming from his side, seems like the straws are being pushed down and as Xue Yang's curiosity got the best of him, he attempted to open his eyes only to be frozen stiff on his spot.

An arm enveloped his torso and not just that, he felt something rested on his chest.

What the hell is happening all of a sudden!?

Xue Yang's eyes snapped open and he looked down only to find Xiao Xingchen laying on his left side, an arm wrapped around Xue Yang's body and head resting comfortably on his chest.

Xue Yang isn't one of those people who would let their guard down when they're ill, after all a lot of people wanted to beat him up to a pulp and he never dared let something nor someone touch him directly. He of all people would never let someone held him so close, especially one who's been his nemesis ever since. Xiao Xingchen's body radiated warmth, a comforting warmth but this position causes a lot of tension for Xue Yang.
   He gulped, his throat was already dry and he now only realized that he's sweating bullets.

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