Chapter I: Sick

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Xue Yang coughed a few times, which was unusual.

"Are you okay? You've been coughing a lot ever since we came here," Xiao Xingchen stopped on his tracks and faced to his side.

Alongside him, Xue Yang also stopped and merely remarked. "What are you talking about? I'm fine as I'd ever be
... besides this--!" Xue Yang did not even finished what he was saying when a cough suddenly interrupted him. Xiao Xingchen shook his head in disapproval.

"Stop kidding around. You shouldn't have followed me if you don't feel any better. You can go back, I'll do the grocery," Xiao Xingchen extended an arm to Xue Yang, instead of handing over the basket to the former, the latter swing it to the other side unwilling to hand over the basket.

Xue Yang cleared his throat, "Nah! I told you I'm okay besides nothing could take someone like me down with just a cold," Xue Yang grinned, he noticed that even though he's not faking his voice intentionally, his throat did its own trick of magic, as his voice sounded natural yet hoarse.

"You're being stubborn, let's head back," Xiao Xingchen knew better to not argue with Xue Yang anymore and instead pulled the latter back to the coffin home. Surprisingly, Xue Yang did not argue and was silent all the way with the occasional coughing and sneezing.

"Lie down," Xiao Xingchen ordered briefly and went to fetch the herbs in the kitchen.

"Daozhang!!!" A high pitched voice suddenly rang, and Xue Yang can't help but grimaced and held both ears in his hands.

"I'm here, A-Qing," Xiao Xingchen turned his head towards the door but that certain someone had already found her way towards him and enveloped him in a tight hug.

"Daozhang, let's go out!" A-Qing pleaded and shook Xiao Xingchen to agree.

Xiao Xingchen laughed, "Now, now, I don't have enough time, my apologies, A-Qing..."

"Why? What are you going to do?!" A-Qing instantly whined.

"A-Yang's sick, someone had to take care of him..." Xiao Xingchen stated apologetically and as if on cue, Xue Yang intentionally coughed loudly for everyone to hear inside the coffin home.

Upon hearing this, A-Qing cringed but ignored the obviously 'sick' Xue Yang.

But A-Qing stubbornly refused to let Xiao Xingchen go, "But he can take care of himself already! It's not like he can't see like us!" A-Qing continued while tugging Xiao Xingchen's clothes.

At this Xue Yang can't help but increase the volume of his coughs as though he's already dying.

"I truly am sorry, A-Qing, I'll make it up to you some other time," Xiao Xingchen apologized that A-Qing could only pout and knocked her bamboo pole on the ground in frustration.

"Fine, fine, I'll just help you here to ease your burden since someone is so weak and gets sick easily!" A-Qing purposely said taunting Xue Yang.

"You're lucky I'm sick, that I don't have enough strength to start a fight with you," Xue Yang said and chewed on his tongue.

As if sensing the upcoming 'endless bickering' of the two yet again, Xiao Xingchen already stood between them, "Come now A-Qing, help me wash this herbs."

A-Qing complied almost easily to Xiao Xingchen and the two started preparing the medicines needed.

Xiao Xingchen carefully placed it on a table near Xue Yang's bed and was assisted by A-Qing.

Xue Yang raised an eyebrow at this, "How would you know what medicinal herbs to use for me, since you can't see it? How would I know it's not poisonous?"

Xiao Xingchen, "Smell, I can differentiate it through it's scent. For example, this one is ginger root and this one is thyme..." He continued on, although Xiao Xingchen lost his sense of sight it doesn't mean that he'd be ignorant, "Of course if you lack of something, your other senses will be heightened," Xiao Xingchen smiled and sat at Xue Yang's side.

"Give me your arm," Xiao Xingchen said making Xue Yang raised an eyebrow questioningly. As if reading his mind, Xiao Xingchen answered, "To check your pulse"

Xue Yang hesitantly extended his right arm and flinched slightly when Xiao Xingchen's cold soft hands made contact with his.

"Hm, fatigue..." Xiao Xingchen seriously stated. He extended his arm to feel for Xue Yang's forehead, as expected it's too hot, he retracted his arms and continued"...and fever."

The whole afternoon was spent with taking care of a sick Xue Yang, Xiao Xingchen together with A-Qing went out to buy their food for dinner, Xiao Xingchen was of course the one who cooked the dinner and specifically made a congee for Xue Yang which made A-Qing feel jealous.

Xue Yang felt very awkward being treated like a kid, Xiao Xingchen is very dedicated when he's taking care of Xue Yang, which left the latter feeling worse than better.

After dinner, Xiao Xingchen reminded A-Qing to not stay up late and sleep early.

"Yeah right. It's not good for a kid to stay up late, you would stop growing and stay short," Xue Yang warned with a 'pft'. He still has much energy to fool around.

At this, A-Qing just sticked out her tongue and begrudgingly went to her own bed. Because of helping Xiao Xingchen around she instantly fell asleep.

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