Chapter Three:Forbidden Love

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Chapter Three:Forbidden Love
~Three Months Later~
        I wake up from that same dream it must be her spell she has on me I can't get her out of my head at all and its been the same dream every night for three months my head has been in the clouds I can't focus when zexion is trying to teach us and I think my parents are starting to realize whats going on I can't stop thinking its like my mind doesn't belong to me anymore its always thinking about her I bury my feelings deep within me and I look up from my book and I see my dad walk towards me and he says "sweety you don't have to fight these feelings you know?" my head hits the book as my head falls I let out a frustrated growl and I say "but dad she's from the one realm I hate what if she's a bad girl like grandma was?".

he smiles his emerald eyes meeting mine and he pushes a red strand of my hair behind my ear and he replies "clem you would be taking a gamble on anybody you met and see this is where your like me you keep your feelings buried deep down within you and you tell yourself that its right thing to do when its not it's not good for you if you keep it buried deep inside you it boils over and come bursting out sweety don't fight it" I raise my head and look at him he smiles and he asks "whats stopping you? the realm? or what people would think of you?" I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I say "both" he smiles kindly and his hand leaves the back of my head and goes to my cheek and he says "sweety I would be lying if I told you people won't care but I can tell you this it would make you feel 100% better than what your feeling now you come out at your own pace not mine not your brother yours and so what let people talk people are gonna talk about you till the day you die and there's nothing you can do about it and a wise man once told me who cares what people think just do what makes you happy".

I smile to him and I exhale and he continues "we are behind you 100%" I smile and hug him and I ask "can I go see her?" he smiles and kisses my forehead "thats my girl" he nodds and he asks "your dad actually needs a few things so he just needs stuff like a few more candles and stuff" I nodd as he hands me money and I get a list of the stuff from my dad and my dad makes me wear my cloak to cover my face and my brother would be going with me we walk out of our mansion and walk down the long archway and walked into the realm next to ours and my brother got all sorts of stares but they didn't reconize me it was just my brother he was alot taller than me he had bright blonde hair and red and golden eyes and he was heavy built and as I walk up to the store and gather my dads things and I feel a hand on my hood and then I was met with a sword to my throat as I turn to see a guard snarling at me and he asks "what are you doing here halfling? far from home aren't ya?" my brother steps between me but is met with another sword pointed to his neck and I say "we come in peace please my father just needed some things thats all we would like to take our leave now if you don't mind".

he laughs and he grabs me from behind "this realm is off limits to people like you the queen will decide your fate come on" he leads me and dominic to the castle and I see the same girl I met three months ago sitting on the throne her legs crossed she see's me and she stands and the guard puts us on our knees and he says "we caught these halflings tresspassing in your realm my queen" she walks over to me her golden blonde hair flowing over her shoulder and she says "do you have no idea who this is? she's king axel's daughter and son release them now" the guard looked confused and he says "mam but she was tresspassing" she gives him a stern look and she replies "I heard you sir I have no quarrels with that family the queen before us may have but I don't axel is the true heir to this throne he just let me have it because he knew I would do it the right way now release them now".

he growls and cuts the ropes off of our hands I look to her and she says "its ok you can rise now" I stand up along with my brother and as she meets my gaze she smiles and says "dominic there's a library down the hall help yourself and if your hungry just go down the long hallway and there's set of stairs its right there I'd like to talk to your sister if thats alright?" he looks to me and I nodd and he smiles and before he leaves he says "thank you" I smile as I look at her dress it was so long and black and it had a corset around her waist and she says "come walk with me" I smile as we walk down a long hallway and she asks "so what brings the princess of hell to my realm?" I smile to myself and reply "I wanted to see you" she smiles and I ask "what did you mean by my dad is the true heir to the throne?".

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