Joey: Shane?

Will: no, his dad. Shane sounds like a good guy

Joey: he really is...

I looked around the room, some of my moving boxers were still laying around from when Will and I officially started living together. I didn't want that, I have been using a wonderful man that could get so much more without me...
Will: something is bothering you Joey, tell me

Joey: you just are going to be mad

Will: I can't be mad at you Joey, tell me it's killing me see you like this
This was horrible, but I need to be honest with Will.

Joey: it's, really selfish of me and I'm an awful person but... I started to date you because... I was sad, I was sad that I lost Shane. I needed someone to hold me like Shane did, but it's not the same thing, I'm not saying I hated the time with you, I loved every second, your an amazing guy but... I have never loved you as much as I love Shane...

That's the worst thing... I made Will cry...

Joey: I'm so sorry Will! I didn't wanted this to happen! I'm so sorry
Will: so you have never loved me?

Joey: I have loved you, I still do a lot, it just that... I love Shane more...

I pulled Will into a hug. I did something horrible to this guy... It's wrong to be in love with Shane... I need to get over Shane and live my life with Will.

Will: so... This is the end

Joey: no, baby I love you and it's going to take some time for me to get over Shane, but it's you I gave my heart to

Will: that's not right, you shouldn't be with me if you love someone else

Joey: I know, but I chose you over him, your the one having me now and it's not more then right

Will: but I don't like this...

Joey: I promise you! I will forget all about Shane!!

Will: stop it Joey!! You love him!! I'm happy that you found him, but... That means one thing for me

Joey: what?

He looked down at my hands in his and he took my ring off.

Joey: no Will...

Will: I want you to be happy, and that's not with me, I hope we can be friends at least

Joey: no Will! I love you, you love me

Will: I don't want to fight over this Joey! I'm breaking up with you so you can be with Shane!

Joey: but what if I don't want to be with him!

Will: I see in your eyes that your lying!

Joey: but why do we have to take in my ex in this!? I'm sure he hates me!

Will: he told you that he loved you right, you love him that's a pretty good thing for me

Joey: but I have been using you for so many years

Will: it was some wonderful years Joey, I will never forget them but I think you should get back with Shane, you were so depressed after you found him that day. I want to see you happy again, but if that means I have to let you go, I will.

Joey: your not mad?

Will: it's going to take some time, but I hope I can get back on track soon, don't worry

Joey: how do we do with were I can stay, I don't know very many... Just Shane...

Will: don't worry, you can stay here till you find a place

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