"That is Mitchell's ex", Kurt said with nod of his head

"Which one?"

"The one with the white hair and oversized clothing"

Saen was silent for a moment as he stared at the woman then threw his hand over his mouth trying to hold back a smirk

"Why does she dress like that? She knows it's summer right? And she's at a pool"

"I think we just need to forget about them and enjoy the rest of our day", Gloria said pulling Rob by the arm towards the pool

"I could REALLY use some relaxing in a pool right now....my muscles are so sore"

"Well then it's settled....", Mitchell said kissing Tess on the head, ".....after all the day is all about you"

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

"You think if we just do it discreetly right here people will notice?"

He whispered the words so softly in her ear that she wasn't sure at first if she'd heard him right. They were sitting in the warm pool, him with both arms resting on the edge and her drifting calmly holding onto his legs

"Well considering we're both pretty loud I think we'll provide some solid entertainment"

"Baby....", he whines kissing her neck

"What? We aren't going to fuck in a pool surrounded by hoards of people Mitch"

He growled into her neck making her moan. His hand travelled over her thigh and dangerously close to her-

"Mitchell.....seriously stop"


She had to laugh at his desperation and the cute little pout on his face when she pulled away and walked out of the pool water dripping off her as she walked away. He sucked in a breath and adjusted his tight swimshorts

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

"Are you gonna talk to her or not?"

"Wha....you can't b.....ofcourse not"

Vivian rolled her eyes and pushed her sunglasses back up her nose

"Fine....if you're not going to....", she stood up and wrapped a towel around her midsection, "......I will"

Diane gasped and jumped up grabbing Vivian's arm, "You can't just go talk to her"

"Why not? She seems human...."

"You know what I mean"

"Diane for God sake.....the worst she can do is be unpleasant"

"She's pregnant and probably hormonal and I'm her boyfriends ex.....what does that tell you?"

Vivian couldn't help herself as she started laughing, "You're right.....I'll go on my own then"

Diane groaned as her friends all got up and moved past her towards the pool bar, she rolled her eyes and followed behind trying to shield herself at the back of the group

"Hello there"

Tess glanced over her shoulder and saw a woman standing beside her with a big smile


"I hope there's no alcohol in that drink"

She laughed looking at her big glass of alcohol free punch

"Nope....just closing my eyes and pretending"

Vivian threw her head back lauging, "I hear you sister....may I?", she gestured towards the chair beside Tess

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