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Mitchell tried to relax as he lay on his towel in the warm sun but he was definitely kidding himself, his body would just relax into the soft towel when he would sit up straight thinking he'd heard a car approuching but then it would turn out only being his stupid imagination. Who was he kidding? What would an hour out of his day have mattered anyway to spoil Tess? He would make it up to her, in fact as soon as she came back they needed to talk......if she was still interested in him......SHUT UP.......don't think like that Mitchell

He jumped up when he heard a engine roaring in the background....that wasn't his imagination....was it? He hurried through the house to the front door, he couldn't help himself as he rolled his eyes watching the motorbike stopping in his driveway. Tess was the first to get off and remove her helmet. She approached him with a big smile

"Hi....Oh you won't believe how much fun that was it's been so long since I've been on a bike"

"I can buy you a bike", he mumbled as she turned her head to smile at a slow approuching Salvatore

"Huh?", she was looking at him again

"Nothing.....look baby we need to talk"

She eyed him suspiciously then looked back towards Salvatore, "Ok.....but maybe we should offer Sal here a drink"

"Oh no...", Salvatore shook his head, "....I wouldn't want to intrude"



"No......no he's right I've already overstayed my welcome"

Tess glared at Mitchell and he shrugged as se crossed her arms, he rolled his eyes again and stopped Salvatore as he was about to get on his bike


"Uh.....thank you"

Mitchell forced a smile and gestured into the house, Salvatore took the hint and slowly entered looking around

"Wow....you have a beautiful home"

"Thank you Sally now maybe make yourself comfortable at the pool out back huh? Tess and I need to talk"

Mitchell pointed towards the back door and the younger man nodded and made his way outside

"You know he's gay right?"

Mitchell whipped around staring at Tess wondering if he heard her right, "What?"

She started chuckling, "He's gay"


"Yeah OH....what you don't trust me?"

"It's him I don't or....didn't trust....are you sure though"

"I could tell from the moment I saw him he was gay I thought it was obvious"

"Yes it was SO obvious", he said sarcastically

"Maybe the jealousy caused you're mind to go blank"

"I wasn't jealous"

"Yes you were.....you are terrified of another man being attracted to me....admit it"

"Men ARE attracted to you Tess and yes maybe I'm jealous maybe it drives me crazy that wherever we go they look and the thoughts that are probably running through their-"

She cut him off by kissing him wrapping her arms around his neck, "I love you.....only you"

He relaxed and took a deep breath smiling back at her and touching their foreheads together, "I love you more"

"Oh that is so beautiful", they both turned around to see Salvatore standing at the door fanning his tear stricken face

"I think I see it now", Mitchell said still looking at Salvatore untill he heard a low giggle from the woman who was still tightly wrapped in his arms, when he turned his face to her again he couldn't help but chuckle himself

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