birthday surprise.

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two days. two days, that is, until my sixteenth birthday. it was 10:19pm on a tuesday evening. my whole family, minus lexie, poppie and jack, were sat around the fireplace in our basement. there was a film playing, but i wasn't paying attention. i was texting people. amber was supposed to be arriving tomorrow, and i was so excited. 

we were talking about everything we planned to do. however, our conversation kept getting interrupted by caleb. he had texted me a lot in the last few minutes. i finally decided to reply.

caleb <3


are we okay

bc you've been ignoring my texts

and my calls

i miss you

i'm sorry if i upset you

idk what i did but i'm still sorry

brynn <3

you have upset me, you've been acting extremely different recently. idk if it's bc you've met someone or you're just feeling different. i miss you, but you're making it really hard.

caleb <3

i'm sorry, i'll tell you everything when i next see you. i miss you too.

i left his last text on read and continued to text amber, telling her the current events. she told me that she thinks he's just experiencing a lot of new things, and doesn't know how to handle it. i said that i was very excited to see her, and then told her i would see her tomorrow. 

i said goodnight to my parents and started to make my way upstairs. they each handed me their plates to wash up before i went to bed. i carried them up the stairs and started to run the water. as i watched the sink fill, i heard a know at the door.

"just a second!" i turned the tap off and walked to the door. as i opened it, i was expecting it to be mrs crowthel, asking for sugar. it wasn't. caleb stood in the archway, grinning from ear to ear. "caleb!"

i ran into his arms, and we swayed for a few minutes before pulling apart. he went to kiss me, before my father cleared his throat behind me. caleb chuckled and i gestured for him to come in. my family greeted him and then we went up to my room.

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