Chapter 26: Make A Wish

Start from the beginning

"Nah, just me.. I'm drinking right now." She replied casually.

I frown..

"Are you really celebrating or drinking your problems away?" I asked suspiciously.

"What? I just want to drink. You're free to join me if you want but I know you stopped a long time ago and I'm not going to force you if you don't want to." She replied while openning the bottle.

This is very unsual of her.

She's usually more responsible.

I sat next to her.

I turn my attention to the screen.

"Are you watching your normal sappy sad movie collection right now?" I asked while checking it out.

I knew it..

Something was not right with her.

"What happen? Did you and Oli fight or something?"

I waited until she stop drinking her bottle.

"We always fight.. nothing new. Is there something wrong if I feel like rewatching my old collection? If you came here to lecture.. I don't need it." She said while leaning her back.

Woah.. that was quite cold. I totally didn't expect this from her.

I open my bag and took out my gift for her.

"Sar, I got you something. I'm actually planning to give it to you tomorrow but oh well. I think I should just give it to you now." I said while showing the box.

She glance at the box and snatch it on my hand.

"What is it?" She asked smiling while shaking it.

"Go on.. open it." I replied energetically.

She unwrap the box and then proceeded to hug me

"This is so cute! How adorable.. Thank you!" she mentioned.

"You're welcome. Maybe you should name it." I replied suggesting.

"Hm.. yeah, what do you suggest?" She asked.

"Um.. I don't know.. maybe Sarri?.. or Sar-Sar? Hehe.." I said.

"Not bad.. but I think I'll just name it Olive." She replied softly while hugging the soft fluffy stuff toy.

"Olive?" I asked again.

"Yeah short for Olivia.. like you." She said while pointing at me.

She hug it one last time before she brought it into her room.

She went to the kitchen and check out her fridge.

"Have you eaten?" She asked curiously.

My stomach began to make a loud growl..

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