Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

I stretch and yawn, today was the day... I could feel it... today was the day that my Naru-chan will finally become a ninja! He will pass the test join a three man squad and become a great and well known ninja! With his mother's huge chakra reserves, and his father's smarts it should be easily passed!

Oh, wait... I have a feeling that I said that once before... I can't remember if I was wrong or not... phfffft! I'm never wrong!

Naruto was currently sitting at a desk near the back of the classroom, the closest seat to the window. He pays special attention to his teacher up front. Iruka gives this long ass-- err... butt speach about how proud he was about everyone sticking with the academy until the end and that with their determination...

yada yada yada... erm... I may have spaced out on that point... oops?

I snuggle into the Kyuubi's fur a bit more, I was currently laying on his head on my stomach, the lazy demon fox was currently sleeping- just like he always does...

As if me shifting into a more comfortable position ontop his head was irritating him, the Kyuubi scartches his head, while at the same time whacking me from there. I fall from the good ten feet, promptly landing on my bum.

Growling in slight anger at the still slumbering overgrown fox, I clamber back ontop his head, once again settling down, taking a small catnap...


"...Naruto... You faaaaaaail!" Iruka screams, jolting me from my peaceful sleep. I jump up startled, glancing to and fro, still groggy and disoriented from my nap. 

"Eeeeh? What happened!?" I ask the Kyuubi.

"The gaki failed the test, Minori," the demon fox answers, watching through Naruto's eyes of what was happening, as if it was a movie, it was obvious he couldn't care less, though... all the fox cared about was the mere chance of him excaping this cage... honestly I'm starting to look forward to being able to roam around free...


Naruto smirks, leaping across the rooftops of Konoha, the setting sun sending glowing golden rays across the sky.

"Noooo! Narutoooo! Whyyy did you taaaaaaake iiit!?" I whine, flailing my arms, not caring if anyone other than the demon fox could hear me.

My Naru-chan had just sneaked into the Hokage's office and stolen the scroll of forbidden jutsus. The old man was caught off guard when my Naru-chan did his 'sexy-jutsu', a jutsu that I hate more than tomatoes.

Only that idiot would invent such a stupidly useless, unreasonably dumb, irrelevantly idoitic jutsu... It's embarrassing, he transforms into me, without any clothes! Where is the damn honor!?

But then again... does he even know that I exist inside of him...?

...probably not...

"My poor Naru-chan doesn't now that he has such an awesome Aunt like me!" I whine outloud, snuggling into the Kyuubi's cozy fur...

"I feel bad for the kid when he finds out that someone like you exists," The Kyuubi says, opening one amber eye, too lazy to open the other one.

"Eeeeh!? What's that supposed to mean!?"


"Yes! I finally got it!" Naruto fistpumps happily, night had fallen about an hour or so ago, during that time Naruto had spent the time training, though sadly he was only able to master the first one- kage bushin no jutsu... shadow clones, though they were just like the bushin jutsu that all of the academy students were required to master for the exam, those clones were just illusions, almost like a genjutsu...

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