Unknown <or> uncommon Leila facts

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Here are somefacts that are either unknown to the public or not that many people know

1) she is cared for by aomg as no relative or anything lives in korea because she had moved there for an entertainment company so she has always lived in a dorm before
2) she dated former YG trainee and current CIX member Seunghun when he first left the company
3) she is friends with Ryujin from itzy as they met when ryujin was participating in mixnine
4) she is a huge exo fangirl and has met them before and has received their compliments
5) she got the name L.I. as she was part of a duo with iKON's B.I. before both were no longer in YG ent
6) she has some rights to/over Treasure 13 and she had fought hard to maintain a connection with them from YG to make sure they were taken care of
7) she sometimes is a backup dancer for the aomg members
8) everyone at aomg goes between treating her like a kid to thinking she's older
9) she has a song released with fellow h1ghr music mate HAON
10) she cried when she had to stop training with the boys
11) she was close with One when they were both in YG
12) she was a representative with Lee Dongwook on Producex101
13) Haruto made the first 'move' when they were dating when he pulled her to sit with him after her solo debut
14) her and Haruto both began to have some actual feelings when they were put together
15) she was once found in the crowd at a stray kids concert, apparently she had a Bang Chan poster and when he saw her he laughed
16) she once said that YG once got her in trouble because she had been found with a boy but it was just one of the younger trainees she was put in charge of teaching
17) she was offered a spot at shark and penguin(s&p) one of her favorite stars (ioi)Kim Sohye's company because Sohye had found out she was going to leave YG
18) she gets teased a lot since she's a fangirl so when she was in blackpink and now in aomg and H1gher they tease her for her crushes and idols
19) once got scared when ateez was walking by her and when asked about it she said they were too pretty and that she was too big of a fan to do much about it
20) iKON loves her and she was the only member of Blackpink allowed to meet them due to the collaboration
21) she is close with some members of ateez as they were on mixnine

Solo | L.I / Leila Mae/Lastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن