Chapter 4: Mai's Dreams

Start from the beginning

        Mai's pulse beat. She lifted her head and found everything beginning to spin. It made her nauseous. 




        Mai woke up. Her breath was seen in the air. This has never happened before. But she remembered something.

        "Naru!" She screamed. She began to walk around the small portion of area she was given. "I'm not even supposed to be here. He specifically told me not to come again."  she thought. She lifted her head to the house. She saw everyone was pulling, all had desperate faces. Naru was yelling. Not just him, but all of them. "But, that black glob has vanished. Where did they take Naru?"  

        "Are you...?"

        Mai heard a soft voice from behind her. She slowly turned her head. "Huh-uh..." She gasped by how close the girl was. Falling back, Mai noticed the girl was very young. "Wh-who are you?" She asked.

        The little girl raised her head. She pointed through the house. In the house stood the other little girl. Mai took a mental note that they were the same height, but Mai couldn't see this girl. She was in black. Just like the women who had attacked Showen and Hoka.

        "All I want," the girl said. "Is to be found. All I want, is my mother to stay safe and move on with me. But we can't. Not until you find the rest of the truth."

        Mai straightened her back. "You hurt my friends. You hurt me as well. I'm even here stuck  with you by force, not will. How can I possibly trust you to help you?"

        She looked at the ground. "It wasn't me who had hurt you or your friends...." She looked away from her. "It is not me keeping you here."

        "Then who is it? Where did Naru go? What am I being sucked into?!" Mai asked. She felt her pulse quicken. "I need to get out of here. It's cold. And Naru told me not to come. Which means, I won't be able to sleep for quite a while." 

        "I would tell you my name." She said. "But, I don't remember it. I don't remember my death nor do I remember why I look like that little girl. I don't even remember the person who is doing those things to you and your group." 

        "..." Mai glanced at the girl in the house. " don't know if that's you?" She shook her head. "Can certain types of ghosts possess...other types of ghosts? Is this even possible. But then, who is this little girl? Where does she belong?"  Mai turned to the girl. "I'll find out what is going on. But, if it is you, I won't hesitate to come back and exorcise you myself." 

        The little girl smiled letting out a laugh of pure happiness. Mai found that a bit odd at first but realized maybe this little girl didn't really have any idea of what she had been doing. 

        The little girl slid next to her. "Are you afraid?"

        "A little bit." Mai said. "What do I do to get out of the blob?"

        "You have to go through it. The more they pull, the more they try to take you out, they will end up sucking themselves in as well. " She said. She turned to Mai. "You're the only one who can see it and know about it. So you must do it yourself, or they will die." The girl then disappeared. "Good luck." 

       Mai swallowed. "Now it's time to wake up, and stay up." Mai thought closing her eyes.




        Mai lifted her head back up. She saw everyone jump from her sudden awakening. They kept pulling and tugging hoping to get Mai out safe and sound.

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