
Exactly an hour later, Gladio stood rigid in the middle of the training hall, wooden sword at the ready but no willpower to move. When his father entered, the Elven boy in tow like a dog on a leash, he tossed a real sword to his feet, clearly meaning for it to be used. Gingerly, he picked up the weapon, hands trembling a little as he held it.

The Elven boy was also given a weapon, two daggers to be exact. If he was frightened in the dungeon, he was terrified now. His eyes darting around the room looking for an escape, fingers tightening around his daggers. Clarus pushed him towards Gladio, urging them to get on with it.

Now that Gladio could actually see the boy, he didn't look so different to a human. Sure, he was paler, his hair fairer and unruly and overall leaner than most children Gladio had seen. What stood out the most were his ears; elongated and pointed at the tip, his eyes too; brighter than a humans but a beautiful shade of green that gradually paled at the edge, so full of life and fight. He couldn't do it. Gladio couldn't hurt this kid, fae or not.

"Today, Gladiolus, I have other matters to tend to after this." Clarus grumbled coldly, referring to his pocket watch.

Stepping into the right mindset, Gladio brought his sword up and took his stance, knees bent a little and stared intently at the boy. It appeared as though he too, knew how to fight, he shifted into a low crouch, daggers raised defensively. Gladio strafed to the right and swept his blade at the boys ankles, it was easily avoided and he even tried to sneak in a counter but Gladio saw it coming and twisted away.

The older boy soon found that Elves were naturally agile and fast, the boy certainly kept him on his toes but Gladio was born to fight his kind. With that in mind, the pair of them were bruised and grazed from exchanged blows, Gladio a little less so than the Elf. The kid also had some fancy moves, out manoeuvring the other with ease.

It was apparent the boy lacked stamina in addition to brute strength, he crouched, breathing heavily as he awaited Gladio's next move, flexing his fingers and Gladio could have sworn he saw sparks fly from them. The boy suddenly dove behind him and there was a cold weight pinning his left foot to the floor, surprised, Gladio found his foot encased in ice and the boy breaking out into a sprint towards the wall, using his speed and momentum to run up enough and grasp the window ledge.

Gladio attempted to go after him but fell to one knee, Clarus merely watched the boy escape through the window, disinterested almost. "He won't get far." His father said calmly.

Sure enough, not five minutes later, the boy was thrown through the door. Shackles on his wrists and blindfolded, sprawled out on the ground. Gladio just marvelled at his guts, trying to escape the Citadel seemed like suicide even to him.

"The boy can use magic. Find the Marshal and bring me the Pixie. Gladiolus, you will train with him for one hour every other day, am I clear?" Clarus instructed, leaving no room for negotiation.

Gladio bowed his head, eyes still on the boy. "Yes, sir."

Clarus then fixed his gaze on the child, colder than the ice on Gladio's foot. "You- Fae- Do you have a name?"

After a moment of silence, in which Gladio thought the boy was going to rebel again, he lifted his head. "Ignis. My name is Ignis Stupeo Scientia."

A couple of the guard scoffed, even his father huffed at the kid's name. "A highborn are you? Perhaps back with your own kind. Here and now, you'll be known as Ignis Scientia. The Pixie, what's his name?" It was a well-known fact that only high ranking nobles or the royal family had three names- Two surnames. Clarus had essentially stripped Ignis of his title and birthright, taken a part of who he is.

Ignis gritted his teeth, obviously feeling like a traitor in some way. "Prompto Argentum."

The door burst open once again and Cor walked in with the Pixie boy, Prompto, under his arm. He dropped the boy next to Ignis and stood ready to receive orders. "You wished to see me, sir?"

"I've no doubt this isn't what you wished to be doing on a Friday evening but, I need you to take care of these two. The Pixie needs his wings bound, or clipped, whichever you see fit. The Elf needs his magic bound, the wrist cuffs will do."

"You're certain? These are children Clarus." Cor asked, glancing at the fae beside him. Gladio didn't know the Marsh could feel remorse at all, let alone for a fae.

"Would you rather execute them? I shouldn't think so. Get it done. The Pixie will be sent to live in the low city, find a suitable family that'll take him in and we'll train the Elf to serve the Prince. If he resists, I will personally break him." Clarus ordered, the last sentence aimed at Ignis directly.

"Yes, sir." Cor hauled Ignis and Prompto to their feet, lifting Ignis' blindfold so he could walk on his own. "Follow me." He said to them and the boys did just that without a second thought, Clarus on their heels. Gladio was left alone to struggle against the ice, eventually he sat there and waited for it to melt enough to break.


When the young guard returned home, he began reading all he could about Elves and Pixies, curious as to what talents they have. Comparing any fae to a human was stupid, they were too different in both looks and traits, he knew this but it still interested him anyway. Especially now that he had ample opportunity to watch two of them grow up. Something nagged at him though, it felt wrong to keep the boys here when all they want is to go home.

Prompto isn't a regular Pixie judging by the description. He seems more akin to a Heather Pixie, quite skittish but bubbly in nature- Not that Gladio's seen it, the kid just seems like it- and he's probably a prankster, he's got that mischievous glint in his eye.

Ignis is sure as hell a High Elf, reading the different types made Gladio think he's part Sun Elf. A lot of what the book says makes sense though. The kid knows magic, pretty damn well if he can freeze Gladio's foot without batting an eye, and can defend himself already with ease.

For both boys, Gladio will have to wait to properly find out what they are, there's so many different types of Elves and Pixies it's impossible to tell right now. Unless... He just asks them. Would they even want to talk to him? He's human after all, born and bred to hurt them. It wouldn't hurt to try though, Ignis is going to be around all the time if he's going to be training and learning.

Now. This is all well and good but... Would his father allow it? Probably not. Just means he'll have to take a stealthy approach. 

A/N: I don't actually know what I'm doing... So! If this turns stale or I fuck it up, I'll abandon it. Simple. 

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