Chapter 2B - Hi, I'm Your New Buddi, Chucky!

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You have chosen choice B.






Maybe you should wait for Corey to come here first before you make a  rash decisions. After all, you had a gut feeling that even when you went throw the doll out, he would go, scavenge for it in the trash bin, and being it back. You didn't wanna admit aloud, but you were known for having a nasty habit of throwing unwanted gifts into the trash bin. Like that time you had tossed that Barbie out when your dad had gotten it for you for your eighth birthday. Or your sister when she gave you that project she won first place in. Or your boyfriend's macaroni necklace he had given you sophomore year. All dick moves, you know, but what were you supposed to do with them anyways? One didn't really serve a purpose, the other was very ugly, and the doll you were far too old for. You prefered consoles at that age.

You sighed, going to tuck the box under your arm. You exited your room and headed to the counter top. You placed it down and then went to go plop on the couch and watch a movie on Amazon Prime. Just for the meantime until your boyfriend would arrive.






*Ding dong*

You had grabbed a morning snack and was already in the process of dosing off on the boring movie when the doorbell rung. Your craned your neck in the direction of the front door before you flung up, throwing the blankets off of you. You lightly jogged to the door and went to open it. You weren't expecting any other visitors, so you figured it had to be none other than your beloved boyfriend.

"Hey babe." you smiled, going to kiss his cheek.

"Hey." said Corey, going to stuff his hands into his pockets. A smooth, round baby face, though he was the same age as you. He looked like he hadn't aged much. Dark brown locks that were wavy and long down to his shoulders. His pale green eyes stared at you and his plump, red lips were fixed into a light playful grin. He was fairly handsome. Though his outter appearance carried a "delinquent, slacker" vibe, he was very smart and a sweetheart. "There's my little monster." he cooed, going to return your kiss with a quick peck on the lips, before passing around you. He knew he was always welcomed in. No questions asked. You closed the door behind him, before turning to glance at him. He was silently observing the thing, chin cupped in his hand while the other was crossed along ths bottom of his chest. Other elbow rested on the wrist that wrapped across his bottom torso. "So, this is the thing you're so afraid of? This little guy?" you had went to stand beside him, crossing your arms over your chest. Corey glanced down at you, smirking tauntingly. "You know, if this little guy came at you, you could overpower him, right?"

"Oh yeah?" Y/N raised a brow, placing her hands on her hips. "Is that what the fiasco back in 2019 at the local store said?" Corey feigned a hurt expression, gasping slightly.

"Yeesh, Y/N! And here I was, trying to have a little faith in your strength." Corey chuckled, shaking his head. "Either way, you'll be fine. These things," he went to poke at the plastic, practically touching the doll's nose through it. "They've been torn apart, melted down, reconstructed, and upgraded. Something like that? Shouldn't happen again."

"And if it does?" you pouted slightly. Corey raised an eyebrow, before he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Y/N, your aunt got you something nice and expensive as a graduation gift. Is it childish? Yes. Is it old? Yes. Did it cause a shit tone of damage years ago? Oh, absolutely! But," Corey shook his head, before grinning at you. "Your aunt wouldn't give you anything that she knew could potentially harm you. In fact, she even remembered how much you wanted this stupid thing." he chuckled, going to pat the box.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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