Chapter 1 - Set It Free or Keep It Caged?

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Oh my god..." your father mumbled softly, as he glared out the window at the aftermath.

Cops along with ambulances aligned the block where the disaster had happened only the night before. F/N had seen on the news early this morning of a local mass murder that happened within the local electronics store. The exact same one he was going to attempt to purchase one of the Buddi dolls from. His eldest daughter, Y/N, though much too old for dolls and toys found the Buddi doll exquisite. She had been begging you to get your hands on one for her up-coming birthday so that she could play with it, kind of like Alexa. Besides, it couldn't of been bad. Well, at least that's what he thought before what happened, happened.

"Whoa...holy shit..." you mumbled, E/C eyes glued to the scene before you. Honestly, watching so many bodies be wheeled off either in black bags or on stretchers into ambulances spooked you. You had never seen said action before, at least, not in person. You gulped lightly, going to sink slightly in the passenger seat.

"Y/N, language." your father glanced at you scoldingly, before staring back at the scene.

"Sorry dad. But..." once again, you found yourself looking back out, as you were slowly maneuvered through the heavy traffic. "This is pretty messed up..."

"I know..." F/N sighed. "I heard on the news all of this had something to do with some...mysterious malfunctioning of all their Buddi dolls..."

"Daddy, what's a...mal...factoring...?" S/N asked from the back seat, also trying to take a peek at the scene. She was fairly small, and would have to not only sit up, but crane her neck to see what was going on.

"Malfunctioning, S/N." you rolled her eyes at her mis-pronounciation. "Its when there's something wrong with something, which causes things to go terribly wrong." you explained.

"O-Oh." your little sister said softly, going to turn her body around slightly to look at all the chaos behind her, which they had passed up now.

"I heard that about 5 people were severely injured and about 30 people were killed by the Buddi toys. And to think we almost went to that fiasco last night." your father shivered, going to shake his head.

You also began imagining the serious, twisted possible outcome of what could of happened if all three of you had went to the event last night. Either all of you would of somehow mysteriously made it out of there or would of been killed. The chance of surviving would of been slim to none. To think only a few weeks ago, you had been begging your dad to get you one, and almost would of gotten your hands on one of these dangerous contraptions. It was scary to think what would of have happened if you brought one home.

A few days later after the incident and the presedent of the company had finally emerged from hiding and told everyone that he was so say severely sorry for such a tragic event that took place in that store and would be re-calling all Buddi animatronics that had been purchased and taking them down off of shelves. He'd promised their soon return however, honestly, you weren't interested. Who's to say it wouldn't all happen again? You wanted to stay as far away from that product as possible. You would never want something so risky and danger-indusing in this house ever. You'll just stick to the (Bixby if you have an android, Siri if you have an Iphone) on your phone. At least she wasn't capable of movement that could likely lead to someone's death.






You shook your head. You blinked a couple of times, eyeing the doll.

"No fucking way..." you mumbled under your breath, going to slowly stand onto your feet. You cautiously inched towards the box, as if expecting it would burst out the seal and attack. After all these years, they had finally decided to put these things back on shelves. Sure, there was an announcement saying that there would be a return after proper inspection, disassemble, and re-assembly. However, you weren't expecting to see them pop up so fast, let alone have one sitting in your room!!

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