Pretty Boy (𝙠𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 & 𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮)

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a pretty woman au because you literally cant stop me
will this turn in to an actual thing? who fuckin' knows man, we all know that i have absolutely zero self control so. big ol' shrug emoji.
anyway if you haven't seen the movie 'pretty woman' fuckin. go. watch it. its the best shit. its a cinderella story but with a HOOKER i mean come on man. i stole a bunch of dialogue from the movie directly to write this lmao

so. listen. the beginning is really bad but im tired okay leave me alone, i just want them to be in love already i dont have TIME for EXPOSITION-

also yeah Kross doesn't know anything about cars now but thats just because its an ELEMENT in the STORY and im SORRY

none of this is in character and im so tired,,,,, im SORRY ALECKS AGH yourwifesboyfriend

none of this is in character and im so tired,,,,, im SORRY ALECKS AGH yourwifesboyfriend

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Kross hated parties.

He didn't really have to be there, did he? He eyed the doorway. Maybe he could escape before someone else could come up and talk to him. He took a sip of his drink, spotting his friend- and lawyer- across the room, before he crossed the foyer and ducked out the door.

What luck it was that the first car he spotted was his friend's car; a Lotus, a fancy stick shift. Pondering for a few seconds at most, Kross decided it couldn't be that hard to figure out- ignoring the part where he really only knew the fundamentals of driving, considering he had been carted around by personal drivers for nearly his entire life.

He shrugged his suit jacket off and tossed it into the front seat as he got into the car. One of the valet's had already spotted him, and met him at the car window with the keys.

He did have the common sense to text his friend before just driving off with his car, but he didn't think he would mind. Besides, it was his party; he couldn't leave. Kross, however, definitely could, and wasn't going to waste another minute at a party like this if he didn't absolutely have to.

+   +   +

"You used our rent money for drugs? Come on," Avery groaned, angry, "what is going on with you, Val?"

"Come on, I needed a little pick me up!" Val pouted, kicking at the rocks on the sidewalk with her shoe. "I don't owe that much, and I didn't want to wake you up for consultation..."

"So you just stole the rent money? Great, Val, that's just great." Avery had to remind himself how much he loved Val, how much she had taught him, how many times she had been there for him. And, believe it or not, this was the first time she had done anything like this. Not do drugs; steal from him.

Before Val could answer, Avery was distracted by the awful sound of grinding gears coming from a few yards down the street. He turned and Val leaned around him to get a better look at the awful driver; Avery frowned when he saw the car barely staying in its lane, and driving closer to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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