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SN ; (browsing on IG)
Tzuyu ah , why didn't you uploaded our selcas together on Twicetagram ?

TZ ; Beco'z , I wanna keep it by myself ,Is that wrong? (playing games on her phone)

SN ; It is not , But ...

TZ ; baby , your SaiDa shippers will freak out , Do you aware by that ? They are fighting on who's the best Ships for you ,  (SaiDa or SaTzu) It is Ok for me by the way , They know nothing about US ♥️

SN ; I'm aware but , it's only for fanservice , Aish! I just can't hide it , I wanna be with you everytime I'm with Dahyun . I love you baby .

TZ ; Aissh ! Enough for the drama , Let's sleep now . I love you too baby. (kisses SN forehead)

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