Going to a Bount Hunter Gathering

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One morning I woke up to my phone going off and it was Quintessa.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Tessa I'm having a meeting of Bounty Hunters only! All these Bounty Hunters want to know your back story, well technically not a meeting like a gathering, don't worry some people are humans your age here so you won't be alone!" Quintessa said.

"Ok. I'm going to get ready and I will be on my way." I said.

"Ok." Quintessa said.

Quintessa and I hung up. I got up and got dressed and went downstairs and got my stuff ready and I remembered I didn't have my phone. I went back upstairs to get my phone and my phone charger and went back downstairs and grabbed my suitcase that was full of clothes for 2 or more weeks. I walked outside where my mother was sitting on the deck smoking.

"Where are you going, sweetheart?" My mom asked.

"Quintessa called me and told me I had to go over to her place because we have a gathering for all Bounty Hunters and she wants me to go over to introduce myself to everyone because they are wondering why I'm working for her and how I end up working for her even though I'm human and she ain't," I responded.

"Ok. How long would you think it would be?" My mom asked.

"I have no idea. Probably an hour or two." I answered.

Mom nods her head and I continued to go do my stuff, Quintessa texted me that she would send a ship once I contact her that I'm ready,

"I'm ready for the ship to come to pick me up, should I bring my Lamborghini with me or not?" I asked.

"ok. The ship is on its way. Yes, you should so they would know how you get around." Quintessa texted.

"OK," I said.

I put my phone in my pocket and got my Lamborghini out of my garage. I waited a couple of minutes and the ship finally came and landed near an open space I drove my car inside and wait. We got there about an hour later and they landed the ship I got off and went where Quintessa was. She was talking to someone, so, I stood there waiting and after a couple of minutes, she finally saw me and came up to me, and hugged me. To be honest that was the first time she ever hugged me.

"Sorry, I should have asked before I did that," Quintessa says.

"It's ok. I'm used to it. People do it all the time." I said trying to give a good explanation.

"Ok. Let's go in and start a speech." Quintessa said.

"Ok," I say in a worried voice.

After a couple of minutes, it took me a while to realize what she said.

"Wait! What?! A speech?! Why?" I said trying not to disappoint her.

"Don't worry, I will be the one introducing you. So don't have to worry about speaking in front of a crowd. You just be standing next to me." Quintessa said.

"Ok," I say happy.

Quintessa and I walked into this big place that she stays in and there was a lot of metal around me and they were 10x taller than me some could be 30' and some can be 20' tall. I'm only 5'9"! I'm a tiny ass human compared to these guys. They all looked at me walking with Quintessa. They all started to chat with each other in a whispering voice where I could barely hear them. I wish I knew what they were talking about either it's something nice or something mean or rude. Quintessa hovered over a platform she was low enough to be at my height. The thing is about Quintessa she doesn't have legs so she kind of flies around. That's how she gets around these parts. She was up on the platform trying to think of what she can say.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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