The Story

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*Begin Log*

They don't tell you what to do.

They don't tell you what to expect.

They only tell you to survive.

My name is John Manisky

I was walking through the war-torn town of Sekmiltav with my squad.

They told us to do a check on the area and make sure there were no survivors.

We encountered a pit of executed prisoners of war.

We stopped and stared-

That was a fatal mistake.







The screams were that of being c

Three out of five of was were killed in seconds.

My friend, Peter, was hit in the left leg and collapsed.

I dragged him to the nearest cover and applied first-aid.

I radioed in to control.







That is all they said.

I did as they said and activated Protocol-Alpha-7B.

Two minutes later, a drop ship arrived, and dropped two stander-ed Unit-Bravo-117657 combat robots.

They shot the enemy soldiers down, with one robot being hit and blowing up.

The remaining one must have had malfunction or something, because of deactivating for pick-up, it turned to Peter and I.

It raised it's P-90 at Peter.



*shots of the gun*


"Target terminated, one remaining, engaging." The robot said in a, cold, metal voice.


Before it could shoot me, I shot it's power box, and it collapsed.

After that nothing surprised me.

I wasn't surprised when I got a promotion to General.

I wasn't surprised when I learned that my girl-friend left me.

I never felt any more emotion other than calm and serious.

I wasn't surprised when I was called to lead a squad again.

I wasn't surprised when three-fourth's of us were wiped out.


They don't tell you what to do.

They don't tell you what to expect.

They only tell you to survive.

*End Log*

Protocol-Alpha-7BOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant