Chapter 2: Teenage Hormones and a Wolf's Sex Drive

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Warning: The chapter you're about to read has explicit sexual content. If you are under the age of 18, I suggest you pick another story. I don't want to get in trouble with your parents if they catch you reading this. TURN BACK NOW YOU LITTLE PERVS! For those who are over the age of 18, enjoy! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Sky High', 'Charmed' or any other thing associated with the Movies or Books, I only own the characters that never appeared in the movie & situations that you soon will start reading. This story is just a way to let my imagination go & for mine & the enjoyment of others, so, please DO NOT SUE ME. Even though I don't see any problem which will lead to federal charges, but if you do, I repeat, please DO NOT SUE ME!

Warren looked at the slumbering blonde beside him; the classroom was empty except for the two. It didn't even take five minutes for Hazel to sleep through all of the junior teachers that introduced themselves in homeroom. She didn't even stir when the bell rang three times before.

"Halliwell." He grumbled as he kicked her seat lightly.


Warren sighed and shook her shoulder, next thing he knew he was on the floor with a growling Hazel straddling his waist, a clawed hand reaching behind her head ready to rip his face off. Her breath came out fast and short, her eyes were glowing yellow and her growls were coming from deep within her chest.

The minute she realized what she was doing, she lowered her hand but she didn't get off from him and her eyes started glowing more intensely. Hazel cocked her head to the side and leaned into Warren a little bit more and she slowly placed her arms at either side of his head, her blonde locks tickling his cheeks. All around him he could only smell the scent of oranges from her shampoo and he could feel the increasing heat from her body.

"Halliwell?" For some reason, Warren found himself whispering and his hands suddenly on her hips. The fraction of skin between her shirt and her jeans was incredibly warm against his fingers.

Hazel was slightly panting as she started closing the space between. In no time she was leaning down on her forearms and her nose was grazing his.

He loved the way she was looking at him. It was the way her glowing, yellow eyes looked at him and how her parted pink, plump lips tempted him to never stop staring at them. It was obvious he wasn't thinking when he tangled his hand in her hair and crashed his hot lips against her equally hot ones.

The male pyromaniac felt his stomach tighten when Hazel molded herself against him and grinded her hips against his. With a growl of his own, and without breaking the kiss, he rolled over and pushed Hazel against the ground. Warren only broke the kiss to push himself away and look at Hazel; he took in her long, dirty blonde hair fanning out in wild, loose curls from her head. He took her in from her still glowing eyes to her bruised lips, then her long, tan neck. He found that he liked how perfect her collarbone looked and how it assented the top of her breast showing over her top. Grabbing hold of both of her breast- that molded perfectly into his hands- he attacked her neck with his mouth. The gasp that came out of her lips made him slam her against the floor with his body when he felt her arch her back.

He felt her hands on his shoulders and pushing his leather jacket off. He got the hint and pushed his hands up under her shirt, pushing the bothersome material up her body and over her head. When the shirt came off his hormonal teenage brain clicked on and the rational side went off as he just kept staring at the tight, tan stomach that belong to the chick he met that same day and who attacked him earlier on that same morning... And, he just did not care about those details; in the back of his head he registered those things were pretty big. But seriously, he really didn't care. Problem is that something else was nagging at him and it wouldn't stop nagging at him, but, at the moment he wasn't thinking with the head that was on his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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