1.04 The Price of Gold

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//The Price of Gold//
I do not own anything except for Clara Bellator and my ideas

PETER received a call from Regina, the Mayor, asking if he could babysit Henry that Saturday afternoon

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

PETER received a call from Regina, the Mayor, asking if he could babysit Henry that Saturday afternoon. Despite being unconscious for nearly three hours last night before waking with a splitting headache, Peter still accepted the job.

He placed his phone on the nightstand next to his bed and wrapped the blankets around himself like a human burrito. It was nearly 10:30 in the morning. He surprised himself for sleeping in this late. Peter never slept in, usually because of his haunting dreams, mostly because he loves homework.

The teenager let out a sigh and closed his eyes. His head still hurt, but there was something else stirring in him that he couldn't understand.

His dreams were becoming more vivid and detailed, but Peter decided against telling Archie. He didn't want his adoptive father to believe he's gone crazy.

A few more minutes ticked by. The green eyed boy kicked the blankets off him and got ready for the day. No more lingering in my thoughts today.


Every Saturday, Peter went to Granny's to get a cup of coffee and usually did homework. But for the first time, he chose against it and just went for coffee instead.

However, he wasn't the only teenager that showed up at Granny's on Saturdays.

Peter saw Gemma sitting at the bar chewing on her plastic straw and occasionally taking sips of the glass of Coke as she read a comic intently. She was wearing her typical black and red clothing, though this time it was a black T-shirt and black ripped jeans with red converse.

The boy sighed and moved to a booth in the back corner. Ruby saw him and walked to him. "Let me guess... coffee?"

Peter nodded and then stared at his hands folded on the table.

Gemma spun around on her chair and looked at Peter directly. "Hey Banning, how's you're head?" She hopped off her stool and walked to Peter with her Coke and comic. "You know, I was only sort of joking when I said you're like a coma patient. I didn't expect you to actually faint."

He lifted his head to look at her. "Is that an apology I hear?"

"No. It's clarification," she corrected. "You will never hear me apologize to you."

Peter sat up straighter. "Well, then I guess I will share some clarification as well. I'm done with you."

Gemma's brows furrowed and she snorted. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You have no power over me. If you want to make my life a living hell then good luck with that." He stood up from the booth. "By the way, you might want to do your homework before it's due."

Villainous - OUATOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz