Chapter 6

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I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I'm just having trouble finding inspiration for this story. If you guys want me to keep it going please comment and tell me. BTW  I saw We Will Rock You the musical and it was awesome! There is some offensive language in here BTW. Vote and comment.

Also do you guys want a face reveal?

Lucy POV
I tossed and turned for a couple of hours. Maybe it's cause I went to bed so early... well early for me. It's just now 1 in the morning. I've wanted get water for a while but I didn't want to run into Freddie it's just so awkward. There is some sexual tension between us but I don't want to make the first move because he's a ROCKSTAR and who am I? Just some hooker he's letting stay with him. It's probably in my head anyway it's not like HE would like ME. I'm really just an inconvenience and he likes men anyway.

When I finally got the courage to go down the stairs I slowly sat up in the bed since I was still sore from my surgery. I tip toed down the stairs trying to be careful the hallway lights were off so I couldn't see much. I was walking down the stairs and had almost made it down when I ran into a figure. I lost my footing and almost fell but was caught midway down.

"Hello there darling you falling for me?" Freddie said inches away from my face. So close I could feel his breath on my cheeks. How did he startle me so easily?

"Thanks for catching me" I said breathlessly.

"Any time" he stood me back up on my feet. He was stunning with his jet black hair and those chocolate eyes staring back at me. How was I supposed to resist when he leaned in and kissed my lips. His lips where so soft. After the first kiss I kissed back harder. Like we were fighting for dominance. He picked me and and I wrapped my legs around him. He pushed me up against the wall; I leaned in to him trying to get as close as possible. My hands trailed up and down his torso landing on the zipper to his jacket. I started unzipping it and threw it off his shoulders. I could feel his hands roaming up and down my body landing on my ass. I couldn't help but moan.

"Freddie! What are you doing?" I heard a strong male voice from behind freddie. I immediately pulled away and Freddie sat me down.

"Oh David I thought you had left" Freddie said trying to gather himself.

"I had to come back in for my jacket. I left it in your room. I can see I didn't leave you pleased enough" he said looking at Freddie with furious eyes.

"Don't bother calling me again Freddie we are over,"he said storming pass us.

"Wait David no don't leave" Freddie said following after. I stayed were I was but could still here their conversation.

"Don't leave me David, you're all I have" Freddie said. I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Really cause that's not what it looked like to me," David said.

"It's not what it looked like -David" then I heard it. The sound of a slap. I quickly ran to where they where. Freddie was on the ground holding his face. I sat down beside him.

"Don't tell anybody about this or the whole world will know your just a worthless fag!" David said and stormed out of the apartment.

"Freddie are you okay?" I asked him examining his face. He didn't say anything.

"Freddie stay here I'm going to get a washcloth," I went to get up but Freddie grabbed my arm.

"Please don't leave me alone!" He said with absolute fear in his voice and in his beautiful brown eyes. I had never seen this side of him in all the videos and concerts I'd watched. I sat back down beside him and just held him we stayed like that for a couple of hours. Eventually we walked up to his bedroom. We laid down together after I had gotten him cleaned up.

"Freddie go to bed and we'll talk about this in the morning" I said and he nodded his head. He fell asleep with me rubbing his back. I had never seen him so Vulnerable. It makes me so mad that somebody would treat him this way. I know how it feels to be in an abusive situation or relationship. I wonder if this was the first time he'd been hit or if the relationship had been abusive previously. I eventually feel asleep as well.


I woke up with the sunlight poring in the window and with my arms still wrapped around Freddie. His shirt had rode up while he was asleep and I could see dark purple bruises down his back. I wanted to gasp but didn't want to wake him up. I need a shower so I decided to get up out of the bed without waking him and went into his bathroom since it was the closest. I started the water and once it was hot stepped into the shower.

While I washed my hair I thought about a lot. 1st of all how long had Freddie been being abused? How did nobody know about this? How did he hide it so well? How are we going to talk about this? Will he get mad? Or just refuse to talk about it.  I can relate to him I had been abused and taken advantage of.

I finished my shower and dried off. I decided to grab one of Freddie's bath robes because I didn't bring any clothes into his room. When I walked out of the bathroom Freddie had sat up with his legs hanging over the side of the bed. I went and sat beside him. I looked into his eyes and one single tear fell down his face.

"Lucy I'm sorry you had to see that last night" he said hanging his head in shame.

"Don't be sorry Freddie it's not your fault," I told him and pulled him in for a hug.

"Freddie can I ask you a question?" I said.

"You just did darling but go ahead" he said giving a half hearted chuckle.

"Ok, how long has David been abusive?" I said.

"Well physically 6 months but verbally about a year" he said putting his head in his hands. All he could do was cry and all I could do was hug him. I just pulled him into me and rubbed his back. We stayed like that for a while. I think this recovery process is going to be a tough one.

Hope you enjoyed.

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